
Serchhip the 3rd June, 2024: Counting Observer Pi Revati Gaikar, SCS, and DEO Pu David Lalthantluanga chaired the second randomisation of Counting Officials for the Lok Sabha Election, 2024 in Serchhip District today at the Serchhip District Election Office NIC Room.

During this second phase of Counting Official Randomisation, officials were assorted into teams, each comprising Counting Supervisors, Counting Assistants, and Counting Micro Observers assigned to their respective Counting Halls. The third and final phase of Counting Official Randomisation will take place tomorrow morning, during which officials will be assigned tables.

Votes for the three constituencies within the Serchhip District Assembly will be counted in separate counting halls. Serchhip AC counting will occur at the DC Conference Hall, Hrangturzo AC counting at the E-District Office, and Tuikum AC counting at the Serchhip DC Meeting Hall.


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