Hon’ble Speaker,


With your permission, I rise  to  present  the Budget  for the Financial Year 2023- 24. This will be the final Budget  for  the  Eight Mizoram Legislative Assembly and I would like to  extend my  gratitude to all the Hon’ble Members of this august House for their continued support and coordination during the most challenging years.


1.          Hon’ble Speaker Sir, as  we waded through  the  most  turbulent two  years of Covid pandemic, our Mizo moral ethics and cohesion has been our backbone in combating the pandemic. The immediate  future  still  lurks with uncertainties for which we will  need to  embrace positive changes with an open mind.


2.          Sir, as we know, India on 1st December 2022 formally assumed the Presidency of G20 grouping for  the  period  of  one  year,  Mizoram  is chosen as one of the States to  host  a G20  meeting  in  March  2023  for which the State Government has initiated preparation in full swing. The event will be an excellent platform to showcase our cultural  and traditional heritage.


3.          Sir, I feel privileged to  mention that  the 10th  International Tourism Mart for North-Eastern States was successfully held in Aizawl  in  November, 2022 with participation of more than 230 guests from all over India. Implementation of the Mizoram Responsible Tourism Policy is one of the priorities of the  Government in  the  coming year. The  goal of the policy is to follow a sustainable development strategy and make tourism a tool for providing livelihood for the local population while upholding the principles of economic, social and environmental responsibilities. The policy will apply to all ongoing and future tourism -based projects.


4.          Sir, Mizoram Resource Mobilization Committee (MRMC) which was constituted on 21 st January 2022 with the main objective of augmenting revenue resources and curbing extraneous expenditure of the State Government has had 10 sittings and 3 consultation meetings since its inception. With the recommendation of  the  Committee, the  State  has  so far received an  amount of  ₹ 35.74 crore from interests accumulated in Bank accounts of different departments. Other recommendations of the Committee are likely to yield desirable results.


5.          Hon’ble Speaker, for promotion of sustainable and inclusive growth, an amount of ₹ 350.00 crore was exclusively allocated for Family Oriented SEDP in 2022- 23. An arrangement has been made to distribute ₹ 50,000 each to 60, 000 families  under this scheme. Further,  I commit to  allocate an amount of ₹ 300.00 crore under Family Oriented SEDP  for  the  year 2023- 24.


6.          Hon’ble Speaker Sir, the Centre has allocated a sum  of ₹ 497. 50 crore under Special Assistance to States for  Capital  Investment  (SASCI)  in 2022- 23 which is segregated into four parts. In 2020 - 21, the total allocation was ₹ 200.00 crore while in 2021 - 22, an amount of ₹ 300. 00 crore was allocated under the Scheme.  As we  know SASCI is  extended by the Centre in the form of 50 - year  interest  free  loan  for capital investment to cushion the shortfall in tax revenue arising from Covid- 19 pandemic, the fund is earmarked for development  projects  across  the State.


7.          Sir, I am delighted to share that Lunglei Municipal Council Office  was opened on 13 th January 2023. Setting up a Municipal Council in the State's second largest town was a remarkable fulfillment of the election manifesto of the MNF  Party in  2018. The  town can  now  have their own bye- laws and building regulations, collect property taxes , handle local issues etc. I propose to provide an  amount  of  ₹ 128.00  lakh  from  the State fund for smooth operation of the Council.  I would also like  to  add that a sum of ₹ 88. 89 lakh was allocated in 2022 - 23 for conducting LMC Election.


8.          Global warming has become an undisputed fact as  we face  changing weather patterns, more health risks, natural calamities etc. Evidently, as human interference has the most  detrimental  impact on  the environment, the Government is making every effort in sensitizing the public. As the Government  is  taking  measures  on elimination  of  Single Use Plastics and is working on adequate  production  for  their alternatives, the  success  and  effectiveness  depend  on participation  of the public. We will also continue to focus on Sewage and Solid Waste Management for which an amount of ₹ 50. 45 crore is kept aside in this budget.


9.               Mr. Speaker Sir, it is a privilege for me to mention that the Finance Department had taken up a complex technical project, i. e., Integrated Financial Management Information System  ( IFMIS)  for  the  last  five years. It is after many hurdles during the Covid- 19 crisis and strenuous exercises that considerable progresses have been made. It was partly launched from 1 st September, 2021. As of today, many  DDOs  have submitted and processed their bills online and are processed through IFMIS. Major activities in treasuries are  operated  through  IFMIS.  The main objective of the project is to have a reformed financial management system and real-time data of core business processes like Payroll, Preparation, Submission & Processing  of Bills,  Pension  Mana gement, Debt Management, Budget Management  etc.  which  will  ultimately enhance transparency and accountabili ty of our financial management.

When the system is  fully implemented, it is expected that we can become one of the advanced States in the implementat ion of the financial management information system.




10.            Hon’ble Speaker Sir, I would like to recapitulate our State’s economy through key economic indicators like Inflation,  Revenue  Surplus  or Deficit, Fiscal Deficit, and Sustainability of Debt.


11.            During the preparation of the Budget for  2022 - 23,  I had  expressed that the State GSDP was based on the figure of 2018 - 19 which was before the onset of Covid- 19. Accordingly, the effect of  Covid-19 has  now been felt and the GSDP as per the RE of 2022 -23 is estimated at ₹ 30223.06 crore against the BE of ₹ 39, 458. 50 crore  thereby  experiencing  a sharp downfall. As a result, the Gross Fiscal Deficit as per 2022 - 23 ( RE) was escalated to reach 6.95% of GSDP.

However, as the State has  been following recovery track, the  GSDP for 2023 - 24 is estimated to be ₹ 35, 904.04 crore at  Current  Price,  in which the baseline data are considered to be more consistent, presenting a growth rate of 18.79% against the current year’ s revised figure of ₹30, 223. 60 crore. In spite of the moderate growth in GSDP, the contribution of service sector is extremely high over primary  and industrial sectors, we need to maintain stability and an attempt for achieving more balanced sectoral contributions.


12.            With no substantial increase in revenue to meet the State’s rising expenditure, the State’s Gross Fiscal Deficit for RE 2022 - 23 increased to 6.95% from the estimated figure of 3. 07% mainly because of the sharp decline in GSDP in the RE.


13.            Estimate for State’ s Own Revenue for 2023- 24 is made with an optimistic view and kept at 17.24 % of the total Revenue Receipt, and 13. 94% of the total Consolidated Receipt of the State.


14.            With an anticipation to generate higher  revenue  income , I expect  to arrive the revenue surplus at ₹ 417. 87 crore in 2023- 24.


15.            The estimated Gross Fiscal Deficit as a percentage of GSDP for 2023- 24 is 3. 47%, and Primary Deficit will stand at 1.63%.


16.            The accumulated outstanding debts  in  the year 2023 - 24  is  estimated to be ₹ 13, 584. 80 crore and the Debt/ GSDP ratio is 37. 84%. We have experienced a mixed trend during the last five years; 32. 89% in 2018 - 19 (Actuals); 32. 72 % in 2019 -20 (Actuals); 33.98%  in  2020- 21 ( Actuals); 40. 98% in 2021- 22 (Actuals) and 41. 29% in 2022-23 (RE).



17.            Hon’ble Speaker Sir, preparation  of  this  year’s  budget  is  intimidating and challenging given the uncertainty  of  post- covid  economic  outlook, but even so estimates are made with a resilience approach.

 I             RECEIPTS:


A.        Revenue Receipts:


18.            The main source of revenue of the State comes from State’ s Own Tax and Non-Tax Revenues, Share of Central Taxes, Revenue  Gap  Grants  and Grants- in- Aid & Contributions received from the Centre. The estimated total Revenue Receipt for the year 2023-2024 is ₹ 11, 486. 63 crore.

State’s Own Tax and Non-Tax Revenue:

19.            The projected earnings from our State’ s Own Tax Revenue is ₹ 1084. 29 crore which is 35.32% increase from current year’ s BE of ₹ 801.29 crore. Further, we are thriving to achieve  ₹ 896. 99 crore  from  our  Own  Non- Tax Revenue which will be  ₹ 60.57 crore more than last year’ s estimate. The  aggregate growth of  State’ s Own  Tax and Non - Tax Revenue will be 20. 98%. Needless to say that the State need to strive for exploring more space for earning additional revenues as our obligations for revenue expenditure is surging while our much relied upon source, i.e., Post Devolution Revenue Deficit Grants is  about  t o fade  out  in  the  near future.


20.            The major revenue from the  tax  portion  has  been  expected  from  the State GST, which is expected to arrive at  ₹ 865. 00 crore  against  the current year’ s BE of ₹ 598. 00 crore. Other sources will include taxes on property and capital transaction, taxes on commodities and  services, vehicle tax, land revenue and other taxes on income and expenditure.


21.            Major elements that will contribute the  Non -tax  revenue  may  include user charges of water amounting to ₹ 72.00 crore, user charges on Power with ₹ 620. 00 crore and other  miscellaneous  general  services.  An amount of ₹ 36. 00 crore is expected from our State Lottery if draws are conducted in full fledge.

 Tax Devolution:


22.            The divisible pool of central taxes, which will  be  divided  between  28 States in India as per BE 2023 - 24 of the Union Budget  is  ₹ 10. 21  lakh crore. The percentage share recommended by Finance Commission is 0.500%, that comes to ₹ 5, 107. 25 crore which is cordially significant compared to other revenue sources of the State.


Grants- in-Aid:


23.            The total estimated grants  that  had  been  expected to  be  received from the Union Government is ₹ 4,398.08 crore  that  includes  the  following main components:


a. Post Devolution Revenue Deficit Grant (PDRDG):


24.            The Revenue Deficit Grant recommended by the Fifteenth Finance Commission for the year 2023 - 24 is ₹ 1,474.00 crore which is ₹ 141.00 crore less than current year’s BE. It is ill-fated to mention again that the Revenue Deficit Grants as  recommended by the Commission for its  five year award period are on a declining  path.  Since  the  revenue expenditure requirements are surging, the diminishing trend of  this specific grant can have cruel impact on the financial management of the State.


b.  Local Body Grants:


25.            It is estimated that ₹ 109.00 crore will be received towards Local Body Grants with an estimated amount of  ₹ 72. 00  crore  under  Rural  Local Body Grant and  ₹ 37.00 crore under Urban Local Body Grant  which are at an aggregate increase of  2.83%.  40%  of  these grants are  untied and can be used by the Local Bodies for  felt  needs  under  their  respective subjects. While 60% of Rural Local Body Grant is earmarked for drinking water, rain water harvesting,  water  recycling,  sanitation  and maintenance of ODF, 60 % of Urban Local Body Grant is assigned for sanitation, solid waste and water  waste  management,  drinking  water, rain water harvesting and water recycling.


c. State Disaster Risk Management Fund (SDRMF):


26.            Grant under this fund is earmarked at  ₹ 52.00  crore  for  BE 2023 - 24 which is  6.12% higher than the current year’ s receipt . The Commission recommended that 20% of the fund can  be  utilized  for  mitigatio n purposes and the remaining 80 % as response funds.

Centrally Sponsored Schemes ( CSS) and Externally Aided Projects (EAPs):

27.            We have estimated ₹ 2670.42 crore from various Centrally Sponsored Schemes. These schemes include Central Assistance of ₹ 2412. 40 crore, Police Modernization Schemes with ₹ 8.69 crore, RKVY amounting to ₹10. 00 crore, BADP for ₹ 14. 00 crore, Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program (AIBP) for ₹ 65. 00 crore, NSAP for ₹ 10.85 crore and  other schemes like election reimbursements, Saini k reimbursements, and National Service Schemes for ₹ 53. 02 crore. And the  amount estimated to be availed under EAP is ₹ 96. 44 crore.

 B.  Capital Receipts:


28.            Capital Receipts are receipts  that  create  liabilities  such  as  loans  from the Reserve Bank of  India  ( RBI),  Multilateral  banks, financial institutions, disinvestment receipts and recoveries of loans from Co- operative Societies and Government employees.

Public Debts:

Internal Debts:


29.            A sum of ₹ 2,479.00  crore  is  estimated  to  be  received  from  Internal Debts of the State. Internal  Debts  include  various  loans  like  Market Loans at an amount of ₹ 1,200.00 crore, NABARD of  ₹ 270.00  crore, National Co- operative Development  Corporation  of ₹ 5.00  crore,  REC loan of ₹ 2. 00 crore, and loan from PFC for ₹ 2. 00 crore, etc. It is also considered suitable to place a provision for Ways and Means Advance amounting to ₹ 1,000. 00 crore as a means to tide over any mis match in receipts and payments.

Loans and Advances:


30.            An interest free loan under Special Assistance to Stat es for Capital Investment (SASCI) is expected to be availed for  ₹ 200. 00 crore. In fact, I am confident to receive a more considerable amount from this Special package, as the Centre had already  committed to  continue  the  Scheme with substantial provision. Further, a Block  Loan  of  ₹ 10. 71 crore  is  to be availed under Loans & Advances from the Central Government.

 Recovery of Loans and Advances:


31.            A capital receipt of ₹ 33. 60 crore  is  expected  to  be  recovered  from various loans availed by Government  Servants,  Co-operative  Societies, and Loans for Housing etc.


32.          The total estimate for Capital Receipts to be realized for the year 2023- 24 is ₹ 2,723.32 crore which is 5.48 % higher than current year’ s projection of ₹ 2,581.95 crore.


33.            The  Overall Net  Receipt comprising of  Revenue  and Capital is  estimated to be ₹ 14,209. 95  crore. Last year, I laid a total outlay of  ₹ 14,008.15 crore including a substantial  PM-DevINE  projects  carrying  ₹ 600. 00 crore, which is not available in 2023 - 24.  It is  indeed  delightful  to  lay such a sizeable budget that  is  ₹ 201. 80 crore  higher than  BE of 2022-23 in spite of our financial adversity.




A.           Revenue Expenditure:


34.       The Net Total Disbursement for Revenue Expenditure for the year 2023- 24 (excluding deduct recoveries) is estimated to stand at ₹ 11,068.76 crore, which is 78. 10% of the total Budget Estimate, which will result in a Revenue Surplus of ₹ 417. 87 crore.


35.            Sir, I would like to let this august House know that major portion of the State’s resources is used to  meet obligatory and operating  expenses such as salaries & wages, pensions, subsidies, in terest payments, power purchase cost, healthcare, State’s “ Top-up” share for salaries of SSA employees, etc.


36.            Sir, the Government spending needs to be handled with prudence as the State had to resort to  high borrowings to  meet its  financial demands. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that the State has withstood the long traumatizing Covid-19 pandemic and hopefully will also outlive the marginal impacts of Ukraine war. However, the  hard reality is  that the State will have to put all efforts and make hard policy decisions in increasing its State’ s Own Resources.

 B.      Capital Expenditure:


37.            Hon’ble Speaker Sir, the  total fund earmarked for Capital Expenditure to the  development  of  the  State  amounts  to   ₹   3, 141.19  crore,  which  is 21. 90% of the Gross total estimated expenditure. Capital expenditure is mainly  for creation of assets for the Public  including  lands  and buildings, roads and bridges, irrigation, sports infrastructures, large machineries etc. In view of the declining support  from  the  Centre  in respect of PDRDG, we need to venture for more sources of revenues so as to enable us to provide more funds for Capital investments.


38.            The Gross total expenditure that comprises of Revenue and Capital Expenditure is ₹ 14,341.95 crore. The  Net  estimated  expenditure  for 2023- 24    corresponds   to    the    total    estimated   receipts   comes   to ₹14, 209. 95 crore, that arrives after deduction of expected realizations of ₹ 132.00 crore from the sale proceeds of foodstuff etc.



A.   General Services Sector:


39.            This Sector comprises the general organs of the States like Legislature, General Administration and District Administrations, Election, Fiscal services (Finance and Accounts, Taxation, Land Revenue, Excise, Transports, Goods & Services), Home etc.


40.            A sum of ₹ 5, 514. 54 crore will be  allocated  under  this  Sector,  Out  of which ₹ 4, 367. 54 crore is for Revenue section and ₹ 1, 147.00 crore for Capital section. The Sector forms 38.45 % of the total outlay.

 B.     Social Services Sector:


41.            Social Services Sector consists of Education, Health, Water Supply and Sanitation, Local Administration  and  District  Councils,  Social  Welfare etc.

 42.            A sum total of  ₹ 4,544. 60  crore  which is  31.69% of  the total Budget will be allocated for this Sector. Of this, ₹ 4,077.25 crore will be allotted to Revenue portion and ₹ 467.35 crore to Capital portion.


C.     Economic Services Sector:


 43. This Sector comprises of Agriculture and allied Services, Rural Development, Irrigation and Flood Control,

 Industries and Mineral, Communication, Science & Technology, Environment, Civil Supplies etc.


44.            An allocation of ₹ 2,838. 30 crore ( ₹ 2, 755. 97 crore from Revenue section and ₹ 82. 33 crore from Capital section) will  be  made  for  Economic Services Sector which forms 19.79% of the total Budget.



45.            Mr. Speaker Sir, Out of the available resources within the State Budget, I propose to allocate a sum total of ₹ 595. 00  crore for various activities under Socio Economic Development Programme (SEDP) for promoting sustainable and inclusive growth, as follows :

a)              ₹ 220.00 crore is earmarked for counterpart funding of various schemes like CSS, EAP, NCDC etc, which will be ₹ 20.00  crore higher than the current year’s allocation.


b)              ₹ 300.00 crore has been earmarked for Family  Oriented Schemes.


c)             ₹ 50.00 crore will be allocated for Health Care Scheme.


d)             ₹ 25.00 crore will be kept aside for untied SEDP.


46.            Sir, as the Covid situation has been improved, Mizoram State Lottery has been conducted smoothly to start earning. As mandated in the Mizoram Lotteries ( Regulation) Rules, 2019 and in  fulfillment  of one  of its purposes towards the service of the Public, I propose to set aside a sum of ₹ 10. 00 crore exclusively for Mizoram Health Care Schem e.  Now, the total amount allocated under Mizoram Health Care Scheme for 2023 -24 is ₹ 60.00 crore.


47.            Mr Speaker Sir, it is essential to reserve an extensive amount of fund for smooth conduct of General Assembly election to be held  on November, 2023. Hence, ₹ 200.00 crore has been  set  aside  for  this  purpose, which will be allocated in due course on the basis of requirements.


48.            I also propose to set aside a  sum of ₹  5.00 crore for Rehabilitation of MNF Returnees.


49.            An amount of ₹ 60.00 crore will be set aside for MLA  Local  Area Development Fund which is same to the current year’s allotment.


50.            As required by the  Central  Government, a se parate  State  matching share of ₹ 38. 27 crore has  been  earmarked  for  Samagra  Shiksha  Abhiyan  for the year 2023 - 24. In addition to  this, a “Top- up” SMS of ₹ 52. 98 crore is set aside  in  order to  pay  off  the  increase of Salaries for  SSA  employees as  decided by  the  recent meeting o f the Council of  Ministers. With this, the total allocation for  employees of Samagra  Shiksha  Abhiyan  will  add up to ₹ 91.25 crore.


51.            There are certain Staff which were continually engaged in ICDS under Women & Child Development even after termination of GoI  Schemes. A “Top- up” SMS of ₹ 8.03 crore out of  the State fund has  been allotted for such employees in order to continue the connected works.


52.            A separate SMS for PMGSY for ₹ 33. 33 crore  has  been  set  aside  as required by the Govt. of India.


53.            To continue the support for preparing  our brilliant young generation for All India Service and  other  Central  Service  examinations,  I propose  to set aside an amount of  ₹ 50.00  lakh,  subject  to  enhancements  on the basis of requirements.


54.            I propose to allot a sum of  ₹ 1. 20 crore to Higher & Technical Education, for meeting the management requirements of  various Colleges in  lieu  of the fees collected by such Colleges in Mizoram.


55.            A sum of ₹ 50.00 lakh had been  earmarked  under  Art  & Culture Department in order to support the activities of NGOs in Mizoram. A separate fresh Budget Head has  been  allotted  for  Chapchar  Kût  which will be provided with additional funds as may be found suitable by the Government.


56.            Although the pandemic is dwindling favorably, an amount of ₹ 1.0 crore has been reserved for probable emergency se rvices towards Covid-19 cases.


57.            Sir, in  order to  ensure adequate supply of  power for commercial use as well as domestic consumptions, I propose to allocate ₹ 400.00 crore for Power purchases. In addition to this, ₹ 40.00 crore is allotted for Transmission charges.


58.            I also propose to put ₹ 35.50  crore  for  Water  pumping  charges  under PHE Department, which is ₹ 10. 00 crore higher than current year’ s BE. Further ₹ 27. 00 crore has been earmarked for maintenance  of  Water Supply schemes which is ₹ 2. 50 crore higher than current year’ s allocation.


59.            I proposed to allot ₹ 5. 76 crore for administration and  management of newly opened District Rural Development Offices. Further,  ₹ 20.00  lakh has been placed for maintenance of two new BDO Offices.


60.             Sir, We are indebted to set aside ₹ 50. 45 crore in pursuance of the order of National Green Tribunal as a result of the recent transgressions on our environments and to indicate our commitment in handling solid waste management.


61.            Mr Speaker Sir, I propose to allocate ₹ 1.28 crore for the primary management of Lunglei Municipal Council.




62.            The gross estimated expenditure for the year 2023 -24 is ₹ 14,341. 95 crore. The net estimated expenditure will be ₹ 14, 209. 95 crore after deduction of ₹ 132.00 crore in respect of recoveries for purchase of foodstuff and stores under FCS& CA Department and Printing and Stationeries Department, and the net estimated expenditure would correspondingly match the estimates of receipt.  Out  of the gross estimated expenditure, ₹ 2, 228. 98 crore would come under Charged Expenditure, and a gross amount of ₹ 12, 112. 97 crore (including deduct recoveries) would come under Voted  Expenditure,  which  requires sanction of this august House.




63.            Hon’ble Speaker Sir, Supplementary Demands for  Grant  of ₹ 3, 265. 69 crore will be required under Revised Estimates. I, therefore seek the approval of the House for Supplementary Demands.


64.            As we are all aware, there are several schemes in  which  funds  were released from various Ministries of the Government of India, for implementation of new schemes as well as on-goings. They are generally categorized as Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS).  The  total  amount which were provided under this category becomes ₹ 540.08 crore.


65.            In the meantime, Finance Department received numerous proposals for allocation of additional funds from various Departments for several unforeseen obligations which are provided  from  the State  fund amounting to  ₹ 2,725.60 crore.   Out of this total amount being attributed to the State fund, a sum of ₹ 1, 130. 29 crore were those funds which were already laid under BE, but accounted into Supplementary Demands due to re-provision by way of transfer from one  Major  Head  into  another Major Head. Such classes of expenditure include various SEDP funds, medical treatment of Govt.  employees,  Counterpart  fundings,  Loans under NABARD, SASCI, NCDC and CAMPA Funds.

66.            Remaining funds which were provided purely from  the  State’s  fund include Inter-State border managements, PHE water pumping charges, Power purchases, Salary of Autonomous District Councils, ZMC management funds, conduct of Bye-elections and roll  revisions, travelling expenses of our Police personnel for security duties in other States, Continuation of employees  of DRDA,  RUSA,  ICDS,  Covid volunteers, and many other obligations.

67. The total Supplementary Demand for Grant of ₹ 3,265.69 crore includes Charged expenditure of ₹ 124. 33 crore and a Voted expenditure of ₹ 3,141.36 crore.



68.            Hon’ble Speaker Sir, I commend the Budget Estimates  (excluding estimates for Charged Expenditure) for the Financial Year 2023 -24 amounting to ₹ 12, 112. 97 crore (Rupees Twelve Thousand One Hundred Twelve Crore and  Ninety-Seven  Lakh  only)  for  discussion and  approval of this House.

 69.            Further, Sir, may  I also  present the  Supplementary Demands for  Grants for the Financial Year 2022- 23 in  respect  of Voted  Expenditure amounting to ₹ 3, 141. 36 crore (Rupees Three Thousand  One Hundred Forty One Crore  Thirty-Six Lakh only) for consideration and approval of this august House.


Thank you.