Health & Family Welfare Department chuan COVID-19 do nana North Eastern Council atanga cheng vaibelchhe thum a hmuh chu hun bituk chhungin a hmanna tur dik takah a hmang zo hman dawn tih a hnuaia mi ang hian thuchhuah siamin an tarlang.
“COVID-19 hripui do nana hman tur North Eastern Council (NEC) in Mizoram sawrkar hnena cheng vaibelchhe thum (Rs. 3 crore) a pek chu tangkai taka hman a nih theih nan chak taka hmalak mek zel a ni. NEC hian March ni 30, 2020 khan sanction order tichhuakin, April ni 1, 2020 ah Release Order a tichhuak a, April ni 4, 2020 khan National Health Mission (NHM) account ah dah a ni. Mizoram Planning Department chuan Health Department a hriattir danin NEC fund hi an rawn pek atanga thlahnih (May thla tawp) chhunga hman zawh tura tih a ni. Health department chuan theihtawp chhuahin sanction order an hmuh veleh a hmandan tur ruahmanna siam nghalin, sorkar kalphung ang zelin hma a la a. Mizoram sorkarin Covid-19 dona atana Procurement atana hmalatu tur bika a ruat “Task Group on Medicine and Medical Equipment” chuan Health Department in Covid-19 do nana thingtlang kilkhawr berte thlenga thawktute hman tur thil pawimawh chi hrang hrang lei tura an chhawp chhuahte chu pawmpui tawhin supply order pawh tih chhuah tawh a ni. Covid-19 natna avanga damlote leh sample te phurtu tur Ambulance 3 pawh lei tura hmalak niin General Administration Department (GAD) pawhin phalna a pe tawh nghe nghe a ni. Heng bakah hian district hrang hranga Covid-19 damlo leh rinhlelhte enkawlna tura ruahman - Covid Care Centres (CCC) te, Covid Dedicated Health Centres (CDHC) te, Covid Dedicated Hospital (CDH) te tih changtlunna tur atan hman a ni dawn a ni.
Fund hman tur hun chhung hi thlahnih, May thla tawp thleng hun pek an ni na in, April ni 28, 2020 khan NEC Secretary chuan lehkha chhuahin Covid-19 fund a pek North-East state 8 zinga state 4 - Assam, Manipur, Mizoram leh Meghalayate chu Covid-19 do kawnga ti tha leh hmala chak bik (comparatively ahead) an nih thu te a sawi nghe nghe a. Mizoram sawrkar pawhin chak taka hma a la tih hria in a tira hun bituk aia hma, May ni 15, 2020 ral hma ngeiin sum a hmang zo thei dawn tih lehkha ah hian a tarlang a ni.
Health Department chuan hetianga tangkai taka Covid-19 dona tur sum NEC in a rawn pe chu lawmawm a ti hle a, NEC chungah leh Ministry of DoNER chungah lawmthu a sawi a ni.”
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