In its effort to enhance mobile and internet connectivity in Mizoram, the State Government had formed a Covid Task Force on Mobile and Internet Services on 27th May, under the Chairmanship of Pu Lalramsanga Sailo, IRS, Special Secretary, ICT Department.
Dr. Lalthlamuana, Chief Informatics Officer, ICT is the member secretary for this task force. Other members are Pu C. Lalhmachhuana, Director, NELSA, Deptt. of Telecom, Govt. of India; State Informatics Officer, National Informatics Center-Mizoram and representatives from PowerGrid Corporation of India and Internet Service Providers.
The COVID19 crisis had placed an unprecidented demand on communications network, as mobility restrictions are imposed across the state to contain the virus. The Task Force thus formed is tasked with coordinating and monitoring the performances and activities of Service Providers and will intervene on their behalf to achieve seamless delivery of mobile and internet services in Mizoram.