
Yesterday, meeting of District Child Protection Committee was held at DC Conference Hall, Mamit with the chairmanship of Pu R. Vanlalsawta, Addl.DC Mamit.

In the meeting, Annual Activities report of District Child Protection Unit 2020-2021. Under DCPU, there are 4 Child Care Institutions, Buannel, Joshua's Children Home, Emau Specialized Adoption Agency and Observation Home. During the year 2020-2021, Foster Care is being given to a total of 4 children (2 boys and 2 girls) and 39 children (20 girls and 19 boys) are sponsored under the Sponsorship Programme in Mamit District. Under this programme, each child received Rs. 2000/- per month. Awareness, Sensitization & Capacity Programme, Counselling, Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Juvenile Justice Board, Special Juvenile Police Unit, Child Protection Nodal Teacher, Village Level Child Protection Committee, District Level Inspection Committee, Library, Hoarding Displayed and Online/Media Programme.

In the meeting reported Child Welfare Committee and Juvenile Justice Board Cases, under CWC cases are 24 and JJB cases are 21 in the year 2020-21. And reported COVID-19 related activities and donation of Child Care Institutions. The Committee plan to visit Child Care Institutions within Mamit Town on 17th March, 2021.

The meeting was attended by members of District Child Protection Committee.


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