
Aizawl, the 26th July 2022: Home Minister Pu Lalchamliana, also in charge of Disaster & Management Department visited the land subsidence and landslide at Republic Veng locality in the capital this afternoon. The landslides were caused by incessant rainfall which started last week. The disaster has now rendered more than 36 households with family members of 146 members temporarily displaced with some of them having completely evacuated their flats/houses.

The site of landslides/land subsidence was inspected by Pi Lalhruaitluangi, Zonal Officer and her team, DM&R on 24th July in pursuance of the observations made on 22 and 23rd July. The observations and findings made at the spot verifications were also submitted to Dr Lalhriatzuali Ralte, Deputy Commissioner who is also Chairman, Aizawl District Disaster Management Authority.

Pu C.Lalsawivunga, MLA, Aizawl South - I, Pu Lalrinenga Sailo, Mayor of Aizawl, Pi K.Lalrinzuali, Secretary, DM&R, Pu Hrangthanga Zote, SE, PWD,  Dr.Lalhriatzuali Ralte, Deputy Commissioner, Pu C.Lalruaia, Superintendent of Police, Aizawl District, Pu Benjamin Lalzama, Director, DM&R, senior officials from Geology & Mineral Resources, concerned officials, leaders of the local community, etc., were also present at this inspection by DM&R Minister.
