
Aizawl the 17th March, 2022 : A virtual meeting of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Green-Ag: Green Landscape Implementation Unit (GLIU)Technical Support Group (TSG) was held under the Chairmanship of Lunglei DC Pu Kulothungan A from the Lunglei DC Conference Hall yesterday. Officials of the Green-Ag National Project Management Unit (NPMU), New Delhi as well as representatives from the two Districts where the project is being implemented viz Lunglei & Mamit Districts were present at this meeting.

"Green-Ag: Transforming Indian agriculture for global environmental benefits and the conservation of critical biodiversity and forest landscapes" Project is implemented under the GEF - 6 cycle. This project focuses on five states (Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Odisha, and Uttarakhand). It seeks to harmonize priorities and investments between India's agricultural and environmental sectors so that national and global environmental benefits can be fully realized without compromising India's ability to provide and develop rural livelihoods and meet its food and nutrition security and social (particularly gender) goals. In Mizoram the project is implemented in two Districts ie Mamit and Lunglei Districts.

At yesterday’s meeting, Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB) 2022-2023 was discussed in detail and approved by the members. The meeting also approved High Priority Areas comprising of 17 villages (13 in Mamit District and 4 in Lunglei District) where the project will be implemented first.

Member Secretary Pu C. Malsawmkima, DAO Lunglei presented a progress report of the project wherein he stated that as per the recommendations of Value Chain analysis conducted by National Consultant Mr. Manu Sinha and H. Lalchamreia, five commodities viz sticky rice, mizo chilli, sesame, maize and piggery were selected for the green value chain addition. He also reported that as approved by TSGs of both the districts, the constitution of Village Implementation Committees VICs in 20 villages is completed, which includes 8 villages in Lunglei district, and 12 villages in Mamit district.


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