Election Commission of India thupek angin, Chalfilh Constituency By-Election atan District Media Certification and Monitoring Committee din a ni a, chuta member te chu heng mite hi an ni. Pu J. Hmingthanmawia, MCS, Addl D.C., Chairman, Pu R. Vanhnuaithanga, Deputy Director, I&P.R., Pu Mangjangam Touthang, IIS, Dy Director (M&C), PIB, Pu D.R. Zirliana, General Secretary,MJA & Editor Mizo Aw.

District Media Certification and Monitoring Committee hmasaber chu nimin 5th February, 2013 khan Pu Hmingthanmawia, Addl. Deputy Commissioner Office-ah an thu khawm a. Election chung changah hian Sorkar a fimkhur em em avangin mitin fimkhur turin an ngen a, thil fel lo engmah a thlen lohna turin Political Parties te leh mi mal tinten boruak tha siam theuh turin mipui an ngen nghal a ni.

Chuvangin, Chalfilh Constituency-a inthlanna lam thil Chanchin Bu emaw, Electronic Media emawa advertisement emaw, sum senga chhuah, puandarh tur duh: Candidate te, Political Parties te, Pawlho leh mimal pawhin Media Certification and Monitoring Committee Chairman, Pu Hmingthanmawia, Addl D.C. Office-ah Dilna Form siamsa la chhuakin dil theih a ni. Sakhuana leh Politics inchirhthehna lam reng reng Cable Tv te leh Print media-in an tichhuak tur a ni lo.

Hriat chian duh neite chuan Member te hnenah zawhfiah theih a ni.