Aizawl the 18th April, 2022 : The Mizoram Police issued a press statement on 13th of April, 2022 stating that upon surprise checking of ILP holders in several places, large number of non-tribal people have been found staying without valid Inner Line Permit (ILP) or violating conditions of the permits.
It is hereby reiterated that ILP pass holders and Sponsors have certain responsibilities and duties as under:
* The sponsor is responsible for the good conduct of the pass holder during his/her stay in Mizoram. He/she will arrange the sending back of the pass holder from State of Mizoram when he/she no longer requires the services of the labourer or when he/she is directed by the Deputy Commissioner concerned to do so and surrender the Inner Line Pass.
* The sponsor will ensure that the pass holder is engaged only for the purpose mentioned in the pass.
* Sponsorship is not transferable. The sponsor will personally go for the renewal of the Inner Lines Pass if the continuous service of the pass holder is required.
* It is the responsibility of the sponsor to furnish information on the whereabouts of the pass holder if called upon to do so, by the Deputy Commissioner concerned.
* The pass holder should not work under any person other than the sponsor.
* The pass should be submitted for renewal at least 7 (seven) days before expiry of the pass.
* The pass holder should produce the pass on demand by the Magistrate/Police Officer/Constable on duty or any Govt. Servant authorized on this behalf by the Deputy Commissioner concerned.
* The pass holder or sponsor, as the case may, are liable to prosecution for any offence under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation Act, 1873 as amended in 1930 or under any law in force or for furnishing wrong information etc. as the case maybe.
To minimize the number of persons staying without Inner Line Passes and in order to enforce the Inner Line Regulation, checking of Inner Line Passes will continue to be conducted at regular intervals by Mizoram Police. Any person found staying without valid Inner Line Pass will be duly prosecuted in accordance with the laws.
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