
Lawngtlai, Thlazing ni 9, 2021: COVID-19 hri leng laka mipuite him zawk nan Lawngtlai District Magistrate & Bawrhsap Dr Andrew H. Vanlaldika chuan CrPC section 144-na tlawh chhanin Lawngtlai District chhungah ni 9/8/2021 atangin ni 16/8/2021 thleng zan tin zan dar 7:00 atanga zing dar 4:00 inkar chhung zan curfew a puang.

He thupek hian a hnuaia tar lante hi a huam lo ang.

1. Covid-19 official duty-te.
2. Medical duty-te.
3. Magistrate, Police leh Home Guard duty-te.
4. VLTF member duty-te.
5. Market monitoring team member-te.
6. Chanchinbu mite, Cable TV leh Internet Provider-te.
7. ASF avanga DVO leh DCVO (LADC) hnuaia duty-te.
8. Fire & Emergency service duty-te.
9. PHE, PWD & P&E Dept hnuaia emergency duty-te.
10. Disaster Management hna thawktute leh DC leh LADC hnuaia Quick Response Team -te (chhiat rupna lo thlen palhah).
11. Mizofed filling station leh Mavula filling station.
12. Medical emergency leh thihna avanga chhuah ngai, veng VLTF lehkha kengte.
13. Bungraw load leh unload-te. (8:00 p.m. atanga 4:00 a.m.)
14. District Magistrate leh Sub-Divisional Magistrate te’n tul bik thila phalna an pekte.

He thupek zawm lote chu IPC section 188-na leh The Mizoram (Containment & Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19) Act, 2020 hmanga hrem an ni ang.


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