
Mamit 30th December, 2022 : Nimin khan chhiat tawh nikhuaa Mamit District mipui, a mamawhtute hman atan POWERGRID Corporation of India Ltd. (A Govt. of India Enterprise) chuan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fund atangin mitthi phurhna (Morgue Van) motor chu Pu Balbir Singh, Chief General Manager, POWERGRID chuan Pu Lalnunhlua, Mamit District Bawrhsap hnenah a hlan.

District Bawrhsap chuan POWERGRID hotute hnenah lawmthu sawiin thawhhona tha tak an neih zel a duhthu a sawi a. Morgue Van Mamit District tana an hlan tak chu Mamit District-a awmchhun leh hmasa ber anih angin District chhung mipuite'n an chhawr tangkai dawn hle a ni a ti bawk.

He hunah hian Deputy Commissioner Office, Mamit-a Officers-te leh Sub Hqrs YMA, Mamit hruaitute an tel a ni.


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