Aizawl, the 13th June 2022: As shown below, the Mizoram Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) has issued the advisory for underground water extraction for strict compliance with immediate effect.
“It has come to the notice of the authority that random and haphazard drilling of sub-surface formation for groundwater extraction for commercial purposes has been going on within the State of Mizoram without any hydro-geological studies, scientific site survey and awareness of the adverse effects. Such activities without any consideration of the sub-surface geology can have negative effects as below :
1) It may lead to land subsidence. The basic cause of land subsidence is a loss of support below ground. When water is taken out of the soil, the soil collapses, compacts, and drops. Land subsidence is most often caused by human activities, mainly from the removal of subsurface water.
2) As groundwater is interconnected with all other sources of water, disorganized drilling of groundwater can lead to the reduction of water in the other sources like springs, streams, lakes etc.
3) If the withdrawal of groundwater at a particular point exceeds the natural groundwater recharge, groundwater depletion occurs. Excessive pumping can lower the groundwater table and cause wells to no longer be able to reach groundwater.
Groundwater extraction should be done only if the location for drilling of groundwater is found satisfactory and safe by the nodal Department i.e PHE Department who has the technical manpower.
Therefore, in pursuance of rule 6 of The Mizoram Water Supplies (Control) Rules, 2006 as amended, it is hereby notified to all concerned that:
1. The PHE Department reserves the right to preserve, protect and conserve any water source(s) including Ground water and its catchment area(s) for water supply to any habitation.
2. No person(s) shall engage in any activities which may cause depletion, contamination and pollution of water in the catchment areas of the reserve sources.
3. No person shall use or utilize water from the reserve source(s) without prior permission of the Department.
Any violation of this right shall be liable for punishment as per section 17(5) of the Mizoram Water Supplies (Control) Act,2004.”
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Mizoram PHED issues an advisory for underground water extraction for strict compliance
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