Vawiin ni 20th May, 2016 hian Cooperative Conference Hall, Babutlang ah Mizoram State Cooperative Union (MSCU) Board of Directors meeting pawimawh tak neih a ni a.

He meeting hi Pu Lianthangpuia, President, MSCU in a kaihruai a ni. He meeting ah hian Mizoram State Cooperative Union in Ram hmasawnna tura chak zawka ke a pen theih nan leh mumal zawka office kalphung herrem dan Staff Selection Committee in a lo duante chipchiar takin sawiho a ni a, hei bakah hian Dan in a phal anga hnathar siamte leh post awm sa hnawhkhah dan turte uluk takin ngaihtuah a ni bawk.

Meeting chuan July thla a Inrinni hmasa ber, ‘International Cooperative Day’ chungchang sawiin he ni hi Mizoram-ah pawh hman ve nise, mipuite tana hlawk thei tur zawnga hman dan ruahman nise tih te rel a ni.

Vawiin MSCU Board of Directors rorel thukhawm chuan ni 5.4.2016 a a lo rel tawh Annual General Assembly neih ni tura a lo ruahman 25th May, 2016 chu remchan zawkna avangin 2nd June, 2016 (Ningani) ah Synod Conference Centre-ah neih nise, khuallian ah Cooperation Minister sawm nise tithe rel a ni bawk.

He MSCU Board of Directors meeting-ah hian members te an tel tha hle a ni.