Scheduled Tribe leh Scheduled Caste te chunga hleihlenna chi hrang hrang khapna dan dinglai Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 leh a kaihhnawih Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rules, 1995 chhunga Annexure I leh Annexure -II te chu tlema tihdanglam an ni.

Hemi chungchanga Joint Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi in Mizoram sorkara Social Welfare Secretary hnena lehkha a rawn thawnin a tarlan danin Annexure -I a hleihlenna tuartute hnena zangnadawmna pek thin chu a tlangpui thu in za ah zasawmnga (150%) a tihpun a ni a. Annexure-II ah pianphunga rualban lo hrang hrang hrilhfiahna 6.8.1996 a tihchhuah chu ni 1.6.2011 ah tihdanglam hret a ni bawk.

Heng dan leh hrai tih danglamna hi he dan sub-section(1) of Section 23 of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 leh Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rules, 1995 in a phal anga tih an ni.