Aizawl, the 4th July 2022: As shown below, the State Election Commission, Mizoram had notified 1/3(one-third) of 11 (eleven) Seats i.e. 4 (four) seats as Reserved Seats for Women in the Lunglei Municipal Council.
No.B.14016/l/2022-SEC/LMC/2 : In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (3) of Article 243T of the Constitution of India read with sub-section (9) of Section 13 of the Mizoram Municipalities Act, 2007 as amended and pursuant to Government of Mizoram -Notification vide No.B. 13017/114/202l-UD&PA.Loose, dt: 22nd June, 2022, the State Election Commission, Mizoram hereby notify that 1/3(one-third) of 11 (eleven) Seats i.e. 4 (four) seats as Reserved Seats for Women in the Lunglei Municipal Council and the mode of allotment of seats shall be 'by draw of lots' and in rotation.
There are 11 (eleven) Wards from 4 (four) Assembly Constituencies with 2 (two) to 4 (four) Wards in 1 (one) Assembly Constituency within Lunglei Municipal Area, it is desirable that 1 (one) Ward each from each Assembly Constituency be allotted Reserved Seat for Women in the first General Election to Lunglei Municipal Council by draw of lots.
The draw of lots will be conducted by State Election Commission, Mizoram in the presence of representatives of Political Parties and Non-Government Organization (N.G.O) interested and willing in the following manner:-
The draw of lots will be conducted by State Election Commission, Mizoram in the presence of representatives of Political Parties and Non-Government Organization (N.G.O) interested and willing in the following manner:-
1. AH Wards under each Assembly Constituency shall be grouped together, thus forming 4 (four) Groups.
2. 1 (one) Ward from each group shall be picked by draw of lots.
3. The 4 (four) Wards picked by draw of lots shall be Reserved Seats/Wards for Women in the Eirst General Election to Lunglei Municipal Council.
4. For the second election, 4 (four) Wards shall be picked by draw of lots from the remaining 7 (seven) Wards.
5. For the third election, the remaining 3 (three) Wards shall be Reserved Seats for Women and 1 (one) Ward shall be picked to complete 4 (four) Wards by draw of lots from the first 4 (four) Wards which were Reserved Seats for Women in the first election.
6. Every 3 (three) General Elections to Lunglei Municipal Council shall be regarded as 1 (one) Cycle for Reservation of Seats for Women. Hence, after every 3rd (third) General Election of each cycle, the process of rotation of Reserved Seats for Women shall start afresh as per the above procedure.
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SEC reserves 4 seats out of 11 seats of Lunglei Municipal Council for women
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