
Mamit 27th, September, 2020 : In Mamit District 57 persons still remains quarantined. Today 17 persons newly quarantined and 1 person discharged from CCC. 1 person tested positive at Kanhmun Rapid Antigen Test ( RAT) and reffered to Covid Care Centre, Mamit.

1. Tourist Lodge, Mamit - 2

2. Zawlnuam Lodge - 3

3. SSA Boys Hostel, Mamit - 15

4. Zawlnuam BDO Rest House - 3

5. Zawlnuam College - 6

6. Reiek Lodge - 5

7. Kawrthah Girls Hostel - 15

8. Covid Care Centre ( SSA Girls Hostel) - 5

9. Home Quarantine - 3