I) Vawiin lamah Quarantine Facility-ah mi 4 an lut a (Polytechnic -2, RSTC -2), mi 2 an chhuak thung (RSTC-2)
II) Tun dinhmunah Quarantine Facility hrang hrangah mi 38 an awm mek a ni (Polytechnic-20, SIRD GH-0, Circuit House -6, RSTC - 7, Lodge-5).
III) Vawiinah CCC leh DCHC -ah mi 40 an lut thar a a, Centre hrang hranga luh dan hetiang hi ani:
a) Jordan Centre CCC- 36 :
-> Hortoki -2
-> Kolasib Venglai East -5
-> Kolasib Project Veng -1
-> Meidum - 8
-> Bairabi -3
-> Lunglei Luangmual -2
-> Aizawl -2 (Tachhip -1, Durtlang -1)
-> Thingdawl -2
-> Kawnpui -2
-> Kolasib Hmarveng -2
-> Kolasib Saidan -1
-> Kolasib Tumpui -3
-> Kolasib Tuitha Veng -1
-> Kolasib Electric Veng -1
-> Kolasib Diakkawn -1
b) SIRD CCC- 3 :
-> Vairengte -2
-> Kolasib Diakkawn -1
c) DCHC - 1:
-> Bialkhawthlir -1
Vairengte 4C atangin mi 3 (Lunglei -3) Jordan Centre CCC-ah leh SIRD CCC-ah mi 1 (Vairengte -1) sawn luh an ni bawk.
IV) Vawiinah CCC atangin mi 17 an chhuak a, centre hrang hrang atang a chhuah dan hetiang hi ani.
a) Jordan Centre CCC - 17:
-> Kolasib Diakkawn -1
-> Bairabi -3
-> Thingdawl -4
-> Kolasib Venglai -2
-> Kolasib New Diakkawn -1
-> Buhchangphai -5
V) Tun dinhmunah CCC leh DCHC ah mi 247 (Jordan Centre -215, SIRD CCC-23, Polytechnic CCC-1, DCHC-8) an awm mek ani.
VI) 4C-a lut report dawn thar a awm lova, Kolasib District chhunga 4C hrang hrang atangin mi 109 an chhuak thung (TNT 4C- 109). Vairengte 4C atangin mi 3 Jordan Centre CCC-ah sawn an ni a, mi dang 1 SIRD CCC ah sawn ani bawk. Tun dinhmunah Kolasib District chhunga 4C hrang hrangah mi 109 an awm mek ani.
-> Vairengte 4C- 36
-> Kolasib Venglai 4C- 8
-> TNT Khuangpuilam - 9
-> Hortoki 4C-56
VII) Home Isolation a awm report dawn thar mi 51 an awm a.
-> Kolasib New Diakkawn -13
-> Kolasib Venglai 2
-> Bilkhawthlir -1
-> Hortoki -9
-> Kolasib College Veng -13
-> Bairabi -11
-> Kolasib Diakkawn -2
Home Isolation atangin mi 9 chhuah an ni thung
-> Kolasib College Veng -2
-> Kolasib Tuithaveng -7
Kolasib Diakkawn atangin Home Isolation ti lai mi 1 hi nimin lamah Jordan ah sawn luh ani bawk.
VIII) Tun dinhmunah Home Isolation ti lai mi 196 an awm mek ani.
-> Kolasib New Diakkawn -22
-> Kolasib Vengthar -22
-> Kolasib Venglai -43
-> Kolasib Hmarveng -2
-> Bilkhawthlir -12
-> Vairengte-2
-> Hortoki -9
-> Kolasib Tumpui -10
-> Kolasib College Veng-31
-> Kolasib Tuitha Veng -2
-> Kolasib Electric Veng -5
-> Meidum -1
-> Saiphai -17
-> Bairabi -12
-> Thingdawl -5
-> Kolasib Diakkawn -1
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Status of Quarantine Facilities and CCCs within Kolasib District as on 25.07.2021, 06:00 PM
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