UD & PA Department hmalakna in Sorkar Laipui in Hmarchhaka state te tana 10 percent Lumpsum Grant hnuaia Saiha leh Tlabung a tui lakna tur Project thar pahnih a rawn saction tawh te chak taka hmalak dan tur leh JNNURM hnuaia Aizawl, Lunglei leh Serchhip a tui lakna project kalpui mekte chak zawka kal dan tur chungchangah vawiin khan UD & PA Minister  Pu Zodintlunga hovin a pisa-ah meeting neih a ni.

 Project thar pahnih Sorkar Laipuiin a rawn sanction te chu ‘Augmentation and Renovation of Greater Saiha Water Supply Scheme’ cheng nuai 2070.20 man leh ‘Augmentation and Renovation of Tlabung Water Supply Scheme’ cheng nuai 441.00 man te a ni a. Heng Project pahnih thawh nana sum mamawh ah Ist Instalment chu Sorkar Laipui chuan a rawn release a tawh a ni.

 Tui lakna Project kalpui mekte chu – UIG(JNNURM) hnuaia ‘Renewal and Augmentation of Greater Aizawl Water Supply Scheme Phase I’ cheng nuai 1681.80 man; UIDSSMT(JNNURM) hnuaia ‘Renewal and Augmentation of Greater Lunglei Water Supply Scheme’ cheng nuai 867.27 man leh ‘Renewal and Augmentation of Serchhip Water Supply Scheme’ cheng nuai 687.60 man te an ni.

 Meeting ah hian Principal Secretary leh UD& PA Secretary ni bawk Pu Lalrinawma IRS, PHE Department Special Secretary Pi Dilraj Kaur IAS te bakah UD &PA Department Director leh PHE Department aiawh te an tel a ni.