Vawiin khan School Education Minister Pu H. Rohluna hovin Secretariat Administration Department (SAD) Conference Hall-ah Vocational Education (National Skill Quality Framework) kalpui tur chungchangah meeting neih a ni.

Thupui hrang hrang pasarih vawiin meeting-ah hian ngaihtuah a ni a, chungte chu Coordination & Terms/Conditions for the implementation of Vocational Education, Preparation of scheme of Examination and Certification of Vocational Education (Role of MBSE), Printing & Publication of Curriculum and Text Books, Terms and Conditions for engagement of Vocational Instructors and Resource Persons, Convergence with Resource Institutes, Issues of existing Vocational Courses in Class XI and XII leh vocational educational kaihhnawih thil pawimawh dangte a ni.

Vocational Education, Class XI leh XII-a kalpui mek hi State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT) in tunhma chuan a enkawl thin a, kum 3 vel kalta atang khan Vocational Education hi Directorate of School Education hnuaiah dah a ni ta a, tunah hian Government of India-in Vocational Education te, National Vocational Education Qualification Framework NVEQF Guidelines anga a kalpui tak avangin leh Skill Development a uar tak avangin a Scheme te revise a ni a, NVEQF tih pawh hi National Skill Qualification Framework NSQF tiin a hming a siam danglam ta, chuvang chuan Vocational Education hi Pre-Vocational angin Class IX ah bul tan tur a ti a, a course design pawh Pandit Sunderlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE) -in an siam emaw an pawmpui emaw a ni tur a ni. NSQF hnuaiah chuan VE hi Class IX ah Course pahnih Naupang 25 ve ve tana Additional Subject (6th Subject) kan lak thin anga School-ah regular class neia kalpui tur a ni.Vocational Education hi School zawng zawng ah kalpui tur a ni vek kher lo va, State dangah pawh pilot basis-in School thlan bikah hma an la a. Government of India duan dan chuan Class IX ah kalpui phawt a ni ang a, chumi hnuah Class X ah kalpui leh a ni ang. Hetiang zel hian Class XI ah leh Class XII ah a tah tawla kalpui zel a ni ang.

Evaluation and Certification hi State Board leh Sector Skill Council (SSC) te tangdunin an buaipui dawn a, rampumah heng tehfungte hi a inang tlang vekin hmana pawm vek a ni ang. Class IX ah hian Level I Certificate pek tur a ni a. Class X ah Level II Certificate pek a ni ang.

Vocational Education hi tun dinhmunah Mizoram bikah chuan Project Approval Board PAB-in a pawmpui tawh angin District hrang hranga Secondary School 10 ah tan tura hma lak mek a ni a, heng School-ah te hian Course 2 - Health Care leh Information Technology & Information Technology Enables Services te kalpui phawt a ni ang a, heng course te kalpui dan tur chungchang hi Sorkar Department dangte nen pawh sawiho a ni tawh a ni.

Vawiin meeting-ah hian School Education changtu Parliamentary Secretary Pu Joseph Lalhimpuia bakah Education Department, SCERT, MBSE, Health Department a officer te leh NIELIT Director te bakah Vocational Education kalpuina tur High School Principal te, Serkawn Christian Hospital leh Synod Hospital, Durtlanga Nursing School Principal te an tel a ni.