Mizoram State Social Welfare Board conducted workshop on ' Right of Girl Child and Future Implications of Imbalanced Ratio' under the aegis of Central Social Welfare, Delhi, today. This workshop was held at Agriculture Conference Hall and graced by Social Welfare Minister   P.C. Lalthanliana  as Chief Guest.
P.C. Lalthanliana highlighted that discrimination against girl child was witnessed abysmally in Mizoram, if not absented completely. In olden days children were neglected and sidelined. But today, said the Chief Guest, the scenario has completely been changed,  we cared our children so much that we go to the extend of pampering them. He expressed his apprehension over our hand in velvet glove treatment that it might soften their knees to stand on their own. He requested the Resource persons to look into rampant sexual abuse on children and whether it has anything to do with our care-free upbringings.

P.C. Lalthanliana informed the workshop that government is ever trying to provide security to children through Integrated Child Protection scheme and implored NGOs,Churches and Schools to continue their cooperation in providing security to children.

This workshop is chaired by Zothankimi, Chairperson, Mizoram Social Welfare Board and resource persons gave lectures on various subjects, Viz: 'Child Sexual. Abuse'by .Vanlalruati,Lecture SCERT,  'Protection of Women from Domestic Violence' by Zodinpuii,Superintendent,RITC,  'Prevention and Treatment of Drug Addiction/ Alcoholism and HIV/AIDS' by Dr. R.L.Sanghluna and 'Tobacco and its Health Effects' by MSACS.

This workshop was also attended by K.Lalrinthanga,MLA and B. Sairengpuii, Secretary Social Welfare Department


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