Pu R. Romawia, Speaker Mizoram Legislative Assembly chu Follow-up Sub Committee of the Standing Committee of All India President Officers’ Conference atan ruat thar a ni. He committee ah hian State hrang hrang atanga thlan chhuah Speaker te an vaiin member 5 (panga) an awm.

Pu R. Romawia, Speaker hi 57th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference, London, UK a a tel hnuin Post Conference Tour in USA, Switzerland leh Italy te a tlawh hnuah Aizawl a lo thleng leh tawh a ni. Speaker hi a zinnaah hian a nupui Pi Vanlalkimi leh Assembly Secretary Pu Ngurthanzuala ten an tawiawm a ni.

Speaker hi All India Presiding Officers Conference 2011 a tel turin thla leh hian Jaipur, Rajasthan ah a kal leh ang.