
Aizawl, the 19th August, 2024: The 185th World Photography Day was celebrated at Vanapa Hall, organized by the Information and Public Relations (I&PR) Department, Mizo Photographers' Society (MPS), and Photography Club of Mizoram (PCOM).

Art and Culture Minister Pu C. Lalsawivunga graced the occasion as the chief guest. In his address, he emphasized the importance of responsible photography practices, cautioning against the blurring of lines between decency and vulgarity, where everyone has a smartphone and loves taking pictures and posting in social media. He urged members of MPS and PCOM to set a good example and showcase the pristine beauty of Mizoram and its culture to the world. The Minister cited the iconic "Napalm Girl" photograph as an example of the powerful impact photography can have. He encouraged photographers to capture the beauty of Mizoram and its people through their lenses and share it with the world.

The program was presided over by Pu Zoramchhana, President of MPS and Pu H. Lalchhanhima, General Secretary of MPS gave detailed reports. As per the GS’ report, a photography competition was held and 97 photographers submitted 468 photographs. The top 100 photographs were exhibited, and prizes were awarded in three categories: One Earth, Colour, and Monochrome. Winners received trophies, certificates, and prize money, with consolation prizes awarded to five participants in each category.

The winners of the competition were:

Under One Earth Category:

 1st - Lalhlunmawia Hauchhum

2nd - Lalrinnungi

3rd - R. Lalnunchhana

Under Colour Category:

1st - Lalnunthara

2nd - K. Lalhmangaihzuala

 3rd - Laltanpuia Ngente

Under Monochrome Category:

1st - Jephtha Lalrammuana

 2nd - PC Malsawmzuala

 3rd - Isak Roluahpuia

Pu Pratap Chhetri, Deputy Director of I&PR Department, encouraged photographers to use their talents to promote Mizoram's culture and beauty globally. A workshop was held in the afternoon, conducted by Pu Malsawmtluanga Vangchhia and Pi Laldintluangi Tochhawng.

As part of the World Photography Day celebrations, a photo exhibition-cum- sale will be held from August 19-21, 2024, with photography gear available at discounted rates.


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