Vawiin chawhnu khan Chief Minister Pu Lal Thanhawla hovin Council of Ministers chu Chief Secretary's Conference Room, New Secretariat-ah an thukhawm a. Vawiina Cabinet meeting-ah hian thu ngaihtuah tur Agenda 17 chhawpchhuah a nih bakah Additional Agenda 10 chu ngaihtuah ho tura chhawpchhuah a ni.

Agenda chhawpchhuah zingah The Mizoram Civil Service (Departmental Examination) Regulation, 2016 te; Mizoram Group 'A' 'B' and 'C posts Service / Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2016 te; the Mizoram Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Service Rules, 2016 te; Mizoram Secretariat Service hnuaia Under Secretary (Senior Grade at PB 3 + 6,600 GP ) post pathum (3) Deputy Secretary (JAG at PB 3 + 7,600 GP) a hlankai rawtna; Polytechnic Institution-a thawk Contract Lecturer sawm pakua (19) te dahnghehna (regularization) atana the 'Govt. of Mizoram Regulation of Contract Employees Scheme, 2008' Dan ngaihhnathiam (relax) te; heng Contract Lecturer 19 bakah Polytechnic Institution-a thawk Contract Lecturer dang pahnih (2) dahnghehna (regularization) atana the 'Govt, of Mizoram Regulation of Contract Employees Scheme, 2008' Dan ngaihhnathiam (relax) te; Sikul tan hun sawn chungchanga State Level Study Group / Mid Term Appraisal Committee-in Nipui (Summer) (16 February – 14 October) ah tan hun zing dar 8:00 AM leh Thalsik (Winter) 15 October – 15 February ah tan hun zing dar 8:30 AM a rawt te ; the Mizoram Drug Demand Reduction Policy, 2016 introduce tura rawtna; the Mizoram Drug (Controlled Substances) Bill, 2016 ; Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies/Auditor post pali (4) surrender-a hemi behchhana Asst. Registrar of Cooperative Societies (ARCS) post pahnih (2) siam rawtna te; Mizoram Sawrkar hnuaia e-Procurement kalpui rawtna te; ICT Department hnuaia thiamna bik nei (technical) Group ‘A’ post te hming siamthata angkhata duanthat te (common & identical designation); the Aizawl Municipal Corporation Building (Amendment) Regulations, 2016 duan te; the Mizoram Animal (Control & Taxation) Rules, 2016 te leh Sawrkar Ukil te (Government Advocates) chhawr chungchanga thu leh hla te chu pawm a ni.

Additional Agenda chhawpchhuah zinga Sialkal Range Development Council-ah Member atan Pu TT Zothansanga, MLA dah rawtna; the Draft Mizoram Stamp Rules, 2016 te; the Mizoram Forest Service (Amendment) Rules 2016 te; the Mizoram State Cooperative Service (Limited Departmental Examination) Regulations 2016 leh the Mizoram Civil Services (Cadre Training) Regulations 2016 te chu pawm a ni bawk a. Hemi bakah Social Welfare Department atanga Women and Child Development indan (bifurcate) chungchang hi a thuphunga pawm niin hemi chungchang hi kimchang zawkin Department-in a sawifiahna kimchang zawk leh sum leh pai mamawh zat tur chhutin Cabinet a la chhawpchhuah leh tura tih a ni.

Mizoram Sawrkar hnuaia Subordinate Accounts Service hrang hrangte hnathawh dan (service conditions) kaihhnawiha thu leh hla leh an harsatna te leh the Mizoram Entry Tax Act, 2015 hnuaia chhiah lakna thil (taxable items) belh tura rawtna te chu ngaihtuah that leh tur atan dah a ni.


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