Attending the 55th National Development Council(NDC) presided over by the Prime Minister of India, Shri Dr. Manmohan Singh, on July 24, Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla has made it clear in his speech about the commitment of  Mizoram to the main objective of the Eleventh Plan and reiterate the  state's implementation on the inclusive growth policy projected by the said plan. Mr Lal Thanhawla was emphasizing the needs to focus on Agriculture and Allied Sector as well as Rural Development Sector, which he believed would facilitated and ensured successful implementation in other areas of the eleventh plan . He had requested Ministry of Power to consider  empowerment of economically weaker state and  scheduled areas while formulating its policy even as he demanded a faster development of infrastructures in these areas to ensure a successful attainment NER Vision 2020. Chief Minister was also explaining the problems pervading some major projects in remote areas due to unworkable application of  the  guidelines for accessible places to the remotest parts. Besides proposing the share of financial burden of Central and state in Centrally Sponsored Schemes(CSS) to a reasonable ratio of 90:10, he had also suggested an appropriate way of funding normal central  financial assistance from the Planning Commission.