
Aizawl, the 18th September 2024 : Chief Secretary Dr. Renu Sharma today attended the 12th Governing Council meeting of North Eastern Centre for Technology Application and Reach (NECTAR) held at New Delhi. Er. H. Lalsawmliana, Chief Scientific Officer, Directorate of Science & Technology accompanied the Chief Secretary where various agenda regarding applications of appropriate technologies for development of the North East India were deliberated and appropriate decision were taken thereof.

The Chief Secretary Dr. Renu Sharma submitted two Detailed Project Proposal to  Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Secretary to the Government of India Department of Science & Technology; these are -  Mass production of commercially important plants of Mizoram in Tissue Culture Technique and Establishment of Mizoram’s first naturopathy Centre –integration with Indian Traditional Health System. Besides the DPR, the following five concept notes has also been submitted to NECTAR i.e. Installation of Solar Cold Storage facilities, Hydroponics Technology for Green Fodder production, In Situ Pilot scale demonstration Monorail transport system for farmers and vegetables produces in selected rural village of Mizoram, Establishment of Mizoram GeoSpatial Research Development Hub for Remote sensing & GIS application     Networking and Large-Scale Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping (LHZ) for Aizawl Municipal Area.

NECTAR is an autonomous society under Department of Science & Technology, Government of India with its headquarter at Shillong, Meghalaya where Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Science & Technology is the Chairman and all chief Secretaries of the North Eastern Region are members in the Governing Council.  The NECTAR is mandated at harnessing and leveraging niche frontier technologies available with central scientific departments and institutions.


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