Dated Serchhip, the 12th March, 2025: Election Commission chuan India ram chhunga Political Party hrang hrang President leh hruaitu lute kan inthlan dan tih hmasawn dan tur ngaihtuaha thawhpuiah sawmin hun remchanga inkawmna hun neih puiah a sawm.
Election Commission of India chuan National leh State political party zawng zawng hnen atangin inthlan kaihhnawiha Electoral Registration Officer(ERO), District Election Officer(DEO) emaw Chief Electoral Officer Level-a chin fel loh eng emaw a awm a nih chuan 30th April, 2025 thleng rawtna thlen turin a sawm a. Ni 11th March, 2025 hian Political Party hrang hrang hnenah mimal taka lehkha thawn chhuakin Political Party President te leh hruaitu lute chu hun remchang hmasa berah inthlan kaihhnawih sawipui tura inkawmhona nei turin sawm an ni.
Election Commission of India chuan 4th - 5th March, 2025 chhung khan Conference koin Chief Election Commissioner Pu Gyanesh Kumar chuan CEO, DEO leh ERO zawng zawngte chu political party te nena a khat tawka inkawmna neihpui a, rawtna leh harsatna an thlente dan hnuaia rang taka chinfelsakin 31st March, 2025 hmain Commission ah an hmalaknate report thehlut turin a hriattir a ni. Commission chuan political party te pawh he hun remchang hi hmang tangkaiin an harsatnate lo thlen ngei turin a ngen bawk.
Election Commission of India in Constitution behchhana stakeholder 28 a thlan chhuah zingah political party te hi a pawimawh ber pawl an ni a. Election Commission of India in political party te hnena lehkha a thawnah hian Representation of the People Act 1950 & 1951, Regristration of Electors Rules, 1960;Conduct of Election Rules, 1961, orders of Hon'ble Supreme Court leh Election Commission of India in Instruction, Manuals and Handbooks a tichhuah hmang hian ram chhung hmun hrang hrangah langtlang leh dik takin inthlan buaipui a ni thin tih a sawi a ni.