Representatives of Serchhip District Task Force on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) visit Serchhip Hospital today and greet and give an welcome gift to the four new born daughters being admitted for the celebration of declared monthly Girl child day.

The district task force declared every 5th of the month a monthly girl child day and is use to visit district hospital to welcome, greet and gift the new daughters being warded. On today of 5th February, four new daughters: Emily Lalmuanpuii D/o Zomuanpuii, Khawlailung; Loisy Lalhriatrengi D/o Grace Lalchhandami , Biate; Lalhmangaihzuali D/o Lalremzuali, New Serchhip and Josephine B. Lalhlimpuii D/o Zionparmawii, New Serchhip are given a gift of Wipes package, New Born baby suits and Rs. 1000 in cash. Pu K. Saitluanga, MIS and V. Lalruatsangi, Women Welfare Officer, VL Remruatpuii, District Coordinator from Mahila Shakti Kendra gave way to the recipient on behalf of BBBP.

Dr. ZD Lalmuanawma, Medical Superintendent, district hospital and some staff nurses accompany the BBBP team from the hospital authority.


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