His Excellency the Governor Lt.Gen(Rtd) M.M.Lakhera, PVSM, AVSM, VSM inaugurates the 30th State Level Science Exhibition for Children at St.Paul’s Higher Secondary School audirorium today.

The Exhibition, organised by Science Promotion Wing, SCERT in association with NCERT is held in Aizawl district this year after a gap of 7 years and is part of Jawaharlal Nehru National Science Exhibition to be organised by NCERT in New Delhi in November 2010. The Exhibition with its theme “Science, Technology and Society” has a team of 7 schools participating in display of several exhibit items in an attempt to show how knowledge of science and technology help to solve the various issues and problems of society.

In his address, the Governor mentioned how India was a pioneer country in different branches of science such as medicine, mathematics, astronomy etc since the olden days. British rule and westernization changed the mindset of people and even after 60 years since the British left, “we cannot come out of that syndrome” he remarked. The Governor explained how science affect every facet of human life and urged the students to develop their ability to think, to analyse problems logically and learn to apply their knowledge to practical use. “Ideas need to be processed”, he said.

Science Promotion Wing has been organising State Level Science Exhibition every year since 1979. The top 2 rankers in each sub-theme this year will be awarded cash prizes and certificates and these exhibits will be recommended to participate in Eastern India Science Fair 2009-10 to be held at Kolkota in January 2010 and Jawaharlal Nehru National Level Science Exhibition to be held in New Delhi in November 2010. The sub-themes of this year’s Exhibition are : 1)Climatic Changes - Causes and Consequences 2) Green Energy 3) Biology in Human welfare 4) Information and Communication Technology 5) Mathematics and Everyday Life 6) Science and Technology in Games & Sports. Among the exhibit items a giant model of dinosaur that stood at the foothill of the school clearly signifies the hard work, dedication and creativity of the students.


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