The Union Ministry of Rural Development has released grant in aid worth Rs.495.93 lakh (Rupees four crore ninety five lakh and ninety three thousand only) (Programme fund) to the State Government of Mizoram towards additional funds under NRDWP (normal, water quality and sustainability) (Programme Fund) during 2009-2010. This release is being made for execution/completion of rural water schemes to provide safe drinking water facilities to rural habitations and schools under Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission. As per the provisions under the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) the State Government shall follow the priorities set in the guidelines and other instructions issued from time to time for the coverage of rural habitations and rural schools. The funds have been released to the implementing agency, the State Water and Sanitation Mission, Mizoram.
National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) a component of Bharat Nirman, is one of the flagship program of Government of India with the objective to provide safe drinking water to all households in rural areas, while ensuring convergence with related programmes and involvement of the Panchayati Raj Institutions. To achieve drinking water security at village/habitation level, conjunctive use of water i.e. judicious use of rainwater, surface water and ground water is promoted.


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