Election Commission of India chuan November ni 28, 2018 a Mizoram Assembly inthlan lo awm tura inthlan chuh tum te tan November ni 2, 2018 atanga November ni 9, 2018 thleng nomination file theih anih thu thuchhuah a lo siam tawh a, nomination file hnu a inhnukdawk duh tan November ni 14, 2018 thleng hun hawn a ni a, Election Commission of India duh dan ang takin ruahmanna pawh felfai takin kalpui a ni.

Inthlan atana inbuatsaihna kawngah chak zawka hmalak anih theih nan Executive Magistrate te enkawl Static Surveillance Team (SST) 80 din niin police ten en thawk hova he team hi din a ni a, Assembly Constituency zawng zawngah he team hi tirhchhuah niin englai pawhin inthlan boruak tichhe thei dan phalloh thil tih a awmloh nan fimkhur leh rim takin hna an thawk reng a ni.

Social media a thu thang lengvel Principal Secretary, Home, Government of Mizoram transfer anih chungchangah thil awmzia hetiang hi a ni -  Pu Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Principal Secretary, Home, Government of Mizoram hi Election Commission of India thupek angin transfer a ni a, Election Commission chuan Pu Lalnunmawia Chuaungo thlak turin Pu Lalrinliana Fanai, Commissioner, Health Department chu a ruat a ni. ECI thupek ang hian Mizoram Chief Secretary pawhin November ni 2, 2018 khan transfer order pawh a tichhuak tawh a, inthlanna felfai leh thianghlim nei tura inbuatsaihna kawnga Home Department officer pakhat a lo inrawlh hi Election Commission of India chuan a ngai thutak hle a, hemi chungchang report pe a sawifiah tura Election Commission of India in a tih angin Chief Electoral Officer pawhin thil awmdan diktak ziakin ECI ah hian report a thehlut a ni.

Election Commission of India duhdan angin inthlan buaipui tura ruat bik official hrang hrang District Election Officer te, District tina Superintendent of Police te,Returning Officer te, Assistant Returning Officer te leh Sawrkar Department zawng zawng te chuan tha thlah lovin inthlanna felfai leh thianghlim a awm theih na theihtawp an chhuah reng a ni.