
Lawngtlai Deputy Commissioner Pi Shashanka Ala, IAS convened a meeting of department officials and private who occupy lands within the area under DC's land lease today at the DC's Conference Hall.

The Lai Autonomous District Council (LADC) Revenue Department issued a land lease for specific portion of land at Lawngtlai Electric Veng to DC Lawngtlai which departments under state government can occupy for building their offices and quarters. DC office used to collect land tax from such departments occupying land within DC land lease as per rates fixed by LADC Revenue Department and further submit the same to LADC Revenue Department.

However, there are few departments and private occupants who have separate land leases within the area of this demarcated DC land lease. As this could result in certain confusions regarding paying of land taxes, the meeting deliberated action plans to solve the issue.

The meeting decided that departments and private occupants who have a separate land lease should submit a copy of their land passes to DC office from which actual land under DC land lease could be determined. A joint survey by DC office and LADC Revenue Department is also decided to be carried out this week to remeasure each land occupied by departments not having separate land pass and the amount of tax should be refixed according to the size of land they occupy.


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