
Legal Metrology Enforcement chuan dt 23.7.2020 (thursday) khan m/s Mizofed petrol pump, Aizawl a dah tur petrol phurtu Tank Lorry MZ-05/3804 ( Driver I.Laskar s/o H.U. Uddin, DhoninHari, Cachar) chu a petrol quality a chhiat lutuk avangin a petrol phurh litres 12, 000 an man.

Density Quality Test Result atanga a landanin petrol ah hian thil dang (khawnvartui) pawlh ni ngeiin a lang.

Legal Metrology Enforcement staff te hian Motor Spirit & HSD (Regulation of Supply & Distribution and Prevention of Malpractices )Order 2005 angin an man a, Essential Commodities anih avangin dan anga hmalak turin Aizawl DC ah thehluh a ni.

Legal Metrology hian petrol leh diesel lo thlen apianga hrilh hre turin petrol pump manager te an hriattir a, Managerte awmlaia endik a nih hnuah mipuite hnena semchhuah turin unload a ni thin. Hei hi Legal Metrology Inspectorte awmna hmun apiangah theihtawpa ken kawh a ni. Hetih rual hian Petrol Pump Managerte pawh density quality test tur leh a tlingte chauh mipuite hnena pe chhuak turin company guidelines an nei sa vek bawk a ni.


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