Lunglei DC leh Committee Chairperson ni bawk Pi Lalzarmawii, IAS kaihhruaiin vawiin chawhnu khan a pisaah Lunglei Town Vending Committee chu an thukhawm a. Lunglei khawpui chhunga City Street Vending Plan kalpui dan tur an sawiho.

He meeting-ah hian Lunglei Street Vending Plan, December Ni 14, 2016-a District Level Committee-in a pawmpui chu State Level Committee pawhin a pawmpui tawh thu tarlan a ni a. Lunglei DUDO huamchhungah Vending Zone tur hmun 17-ah ruahman niin, tun dinhmunah Street Vendor mi 156 an awm tih tarlan a ni. Street Vending Plan kalpui dan tur chu sawiho a ni a, harsatna a awm pawhin DUDO, Traffic leh Village Council te'n enfiah se an ti.

The Mizoram Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Rules, 2017 hmanga duang The Mizoram Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Scheme, 2017 chu member-te’n lo zir chiang in, belh duh emaw sawisel tur emaw an neih te chu June Ni 10, 2017 aia tlai lo ah Committee Secretary hnenah thehluh nise an ti bawk.