
Mamit 4th July, 2024 : Vawiin khan DC Conference Hall, Mamit-ah Sampoornata Abhiyan hawnna Pu V.L. Remliana, District Bawrhsap kaihhruaina-in neih a ni.

He hun kaihruaitu Pu V.L.Remliana, District Bawrhsap chuan Mamit District chu India ram district hnufual thlanchhuah zingah kan tel a vangin sawrkar laipui atangin enkawl leh chhawmdawlna tam tak kan dawng a, hei hian hmasawnnna tha zawk min thlen se, hmasawnna hna kal mekah kan thawh ho thiam a tul thu leh pawimawh thu a sawi.

Pi Grace Lalremdiki Sailo,  SDC chuan Aspirational District Mamit dinhmun leh thlen chin bakah hmachhawp hrang hrangte a tarlang a, tun mekah hmalakna indicator paruk dinhmun a tarlan danin,  

1. Percentage of pregnant women registered for Antenatal care (ANC) within the first trimester - 72.5%   

2. Percentage of pregnant women taking supplementary nutrition under the ICDS programme regularly - 88%  

3. Number of Soil Health cards distributed - 0%  

4. Percentage of children fully immunized (9-11 months) ( BCG + DPT3 + OPV 3 + measles 1) - 94%  

5. Percentage of schools with functionality electricity facility at secondary level - 100%  

6. Percentage of schools providing textbooks to children  within 1 month of star of academic session - 100%  a ni.

Line department pali District Education Office, District Agicultural Office, District Programme Office leh Chief medical Office atang te'n report tawi ngaihthlak niin, an hmalakna, hmachhawp bakah harsatna an tawh thenkhat internet problem leh inkalpawhna te an tarlang bawk.

Pu V.L. Remliana, District Bawrhsap kaihhruaina-in Sampoornata Abhiyan thutiam sawirualna neih a ni a, short video on Sampoornata Abhiyan thlirhona neih a ni bawk.

He hunah hian Pi Carolyn L.B.Khiangte, SDO (Sadar) chuan lawmthusawina neiin Mamit khawpui chhunga Line Department, Sawrkar Deparment aiawh, tlawmngaipawl aiawh, khawtlang hruaitu aiawh leh thutharthehdarhtute an tel a ni.

 Sampoornata Abhiyan hi Aspirational District Mamit hnuaia thla thum chhung nasa lehzuala hmalakna tur atana programme niin he mi hnuaiah hian Line Department hrang hrang atangin, timely antenatal care for pregnant women and regular supplementary nutrition, suppelementary nutrition for pregnant women, complete immunization for all children, regular screening for diabetes and hypertension for every individual, distribution of soil health cards leh Provision of revolving funds to self-help groups hnuaiah hmalak a ni ang. 

Vawiin vek hian Line Department-te hian hmalakna tur hrang hrangah meeting an nei zui nghal a ni.


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