
Mamit 25th November 2020: Today Mamit Town Sanitation Task Force held a meeting on Mamit Town Solid Waste Management Bye-Laws 2020- prepared by UD&PA Mamit which was approved by the committee after deliberating on various rules  mentioned in the Bye-Laws 2020.

Mamit Town Solid Waste Management Bye- Laws, 2020 underlines the regulations for Solid waste management properly within Mamit Town through PPP mode. The said Bye- Laws will come into force after notification by the authority concern. Once implemented every house hold of Mamit town will be charged Rs 50 for the purpose. The Bye-Laws also mentioned rules regarding various fees and penalty fines.

The Committee also urged the General Public of Mamit town to keep their house and surroundings neat and clean so that the cleanliness competition within the whole state of Mizoram be succesful for Mamit District. All VCPs of Mamit town villages are also requested to take stringent action against those individuals who allows out-door of there pet animals and birds. 

The meeting was attended by members of Mamit Town Sanitation Task Force.


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