
Aizawl, the 1st July 2020 : The Chief Secretary Pu Lalnunmawia Chuaungo in his capacity as Chairman, State Executive Committee, State Disaster Management Committee, Mizoram issued an order on 30st June 2020 to relax the Lockdown Guidelines which was enforced in the state since 25th March 2020 in view of the pandemic in the interest of public health and safety. The Guidelines are being relaxed from 1st July 2020 keeping in mind the hardships faced by people and the need to restart economic activities. However, the nationwide scenario of the pandemic demands that certain restrictions in consonance with the Guidelines issued on this matter by the Central Government need to be continued.  

The relaxation in lockdown guidelines given below supersede all previous lockdown measures and notifications and shall be effective from 01.07.2020 till 31.07.2020.


A. International & Inter-State Borders

  1. International and inter-state borders for entry into Mizoram which are currently closed will continue to remain closed.
  2. Lengpui Airport will continue to remain open. However, all passengers intending to fly into Mizoram must invariably register on mPass-Flight via mCOVID-19 mobile application well ahead in advance before their entry into Mizoram. 
  3. The entry points at Bairabi, Vairengte and Kanhmun will remain open for entry for transport of goods for use within Mizoram and for exit of transport of local produce and goods manufactured in the state.
  4. Only passenger vehicles having permission for entry into Mizoram by the Home Department will be allowed to entry into Mizoram.
  5. Passenger vehicles will be allowed to exit Mizoram with the permission of the Deputy Commissioner of the District where they reside.


B. Quarantine and Screening of persons entering Mizoram

  1. All persons who intend to enter Mizoram from outside will be invariably quarantined. Such cases must have prior permission from the Government for entry so that necessary quarantine arrangements can be formalised and made well ahead in advance.
  2. All persons permitted to enter the State shall continue to be thoroughly screened at the entry points. The procedure for return of residents of Mizoram stranded outside the State due to the Lockdown will be in accordance with the guidelines laid down in  Revised Standard Operating Procedure for Return of Permanent Residents of Mizoram stranded outside the State due to COVID-19 Lockdown issued on 15.05.2020.
  3. The process and procedure of quarantine for those entering Mizoram will be done as per the relevant guidelines issued by the Health & Family Welfare Department. 
  4. Drivers and handymen of transport vehicles based in Mizoram engaged in procuring goods from outside the State shall operate only from designated Quarantine facilities without any kind of physical contact with anyone. They will be permitted to leave such quarantine facilities to return home only after completion of 14 (fourteen) days quarantine counting from the date of their last trip outside the State. During their time in the quarantine facility, they will not be permitted to meet family members nor mingle with the public. They shall register themselves on Aarogya Setu.
  5. Drivers and handymen engaged in transportation of goods who are based outside the State shall continue the practice of cooking their food on the road side on the outskirts of towns. They will not be permitted to mingle with the general population and shall depart as soon as unloading of goods is completed. During unloading of their goods they will maintain 2 metres distance from others. Such drivers and handymen shall register themselves on Aarogya Setu.
  6. Drivers and Handymen of oil tankers under All Mizoram Petroleum Dealer Association (AMPEDA) and Mizoram Tanker Drivers' Association (MTDA) who are residents of Mizoram shall operate from designated locations at Vairengte. They shall return to such designated locations immediately after they complete the delivery to the filling stations and will neither be permitted to meet family members nor mingle with the public. They shall register themselves on Aarogya Setu.
  7. Such drivers and handyman mentioned above may contact the State Control Room (Toll free 1070, landline 0389 2335842/2335837 and mobile 9366331931) in case they require assistance or face any problems en-route. 


C.  Government Offices, Church, NGOs and other offices

  1. All offices in Mizoram will function as under normal circumstances. All Offices must strictly follow SOP for Social Distancing (Attachment-I).
  2. Public interviews by Ministers will continue to remain closed.


D. Restrictions for Public to be followed  

  1. Any Movement between 7:30 PM and 4:30 AM is strictly prohibited. In this regard, all District Magistrates shall issue prohibitory orders under Section 144 of CrPC.  Personnel on COVID 19 related duties, unloading of goods by trucks from outside the state, medical and other emergencies permitted movement by LLTFs/VLTFs as per delegation by District Magistrates in this regard will be exempted.  
  2. Persons above 65 years of age, persons having co-morbidities, pregnant women and children less than 10 years of age must remain indoors within their homes unless it is unavoidable.
  3. Wearing a face mask or similar devices when stepping outside in (public spaces/public gatherings/shops/offices/hospitals/clinics, etc) shall be mandatory.
  4. Social distancing must be maintained in all public places and in shops by maintaining at least 2 (two) metres distance between individuals.
  5. Entertaining of guests from outside Mizoram is strictly prohibited. Permission granted by Home Department or Deputy Commissioners will however be exempted.


E. Travel and Movement of People 

Commercial passenger vehicles plying within the State and town/city buses, taxis, auto rickshaws and two wheeler taxis shall not exceed the passenger seating capacity as recorded in their registration certificate. All drivers and passengers shall wear face masks and hand sanitizers for use by the passengers must be available at all times. The Standard Operating Procedure to be followed by drivers and passengers of commercial vehicles is appended as Attachment-2.

F. Educational, Religious Institutions and public places

  1. All educational institutions and training institutes will continue to remain.
  2. All kinds of communal worship services will continue to be forbidden in all places of worship 
  3. No more than 50 people shall be allowed to gather for morning-prayer services, wedding services, marriage receptions, funeral services, anniversaries, laying of memorial stones (lungphun) and political and social gatherings. 
  4. Not more than 25 persons shall be allowed to gather for games and sports practices and book release functions or similar such functions.
  5. Organizing of games and sports tournaments and all public gatherings is prohibited.


G. Transport and Carriage of Goods 

All persons transporting goods and commodities from outside the state must submit declaration through mPass via mCOVID-19 mobile application. 

H. Shops and Business Establishments

  1. Shops, business establishments and other livelihood activities can open as under normal circumstances.
  2. Hawker stalls however will open as per the arrangements of LLTF/VLTF under the supervision of the Deputy Commissioners concerned.  
  3. Beauty parlours, hair cutting saloons and spas can open, however to follow social distancing norms, prior appointments must be made. All equipments and instruments must be properly sanitised. Details of all customers including names and addresses must be recorded in a register. Not more than 5 persons should be allowed at one time in these establishments. 
  4. To facilitate easy access to fruit and vegetables, concerned LLTF/VLTF shall make necessary arrangement for organizing markets within their respective areas, and ensure that vendors are seated at a distance of not less than 2 metres. In order to avoid the gathering of large crowds on Saturday markets, LLTF/VLTF shall organize shopping days thrice a week. 
  5. ‘Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Social Distancing’ (Attachment-I) must be strictly followed by the above mentioned categories (H.1 to H.4). LLTFs/VLTFs must take steps to ensure adherence to these norms within their respective areas of operation.
  6. Public parks, picnic spots, movie theatres and other public places of entertainment will continue to remain closed.
  7. All shops (excluding medicine shops and pharmacies) should close at 6:00 PM



Movement of Vehicles 

  1. Within the Aizawl Municipal Area, vehicles will ply alternately on ‘odd-even’ basis.  Vehicles whose last digit of the registration number ends in an even number shall ply on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays while vehicles whose last digit of the registration number ends in an odd number shall ply on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. No vehicle shall ply on Sundays. 
  2. The ‘odd even’ based restriction of vehicular movement shall not apply to vehicles used by Government employees on COVlD-19 related duties, ambulances and vehicles used for medical/veterinary emergencies, vehicles used for essential services (waste collection vehicles under AMC), vehicles used for collection/distribution of milk, vehicles by P&E Department for line duty, vehicles used by PHE Department for water supply, vehicles used for distribution of newspapers, vehicles used for LPG distribution, postal vehicles, etc, vehicles of print and electronic media, vehicles registered in the name of Church bodies, vehicles used by LLTF on duty within their areas and inter village/town/district buses and maxi cabs
  3. The ‘odd even’ based restriction of vehicular movement shall be applicable from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  4. In case medical emergencies and deaths, LLTFs can grant permission for vehicle movement for the family members concerned. In case of any other such urgency, for movement into and out of Aizawl, Superintendent of Police (Traffic) can give permission of movement from the ‘odd even’ rule. The permission must be applied via the mCOVID-19 mobile application or via the website



In case a need arises, Deputy Commissioners can declare containment zones within their respective Districts. Within such containment zones, orders and restrictions made by the respective Deputy Commissioners shall be strictly enforced. 


Any  violations of these measures will be liable for prosecution as per the provisions of Section 51 to Section 60 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, Section 5 of The Mizoram (Containment & Prevention of COVID 19) Ordinance, 2020 Section 5, besides legal action under Sec. 188 of the IPC and other legal provisions as applicable.

The Government may revise and modify these provisions if necessary.