Aizawl, 6th January, 2022 : State Level Expert Team on Covid-19 Management in a rawtna a siam angin entry point hrang hrang kaltlanga Mizoram-a lut turte zawm tur SOP chu a hnuaia tarlan ang hian siamthat a ni a. He thuchhuak hian SOP dated 14.10.2021 a lo chhuah tawh chu luahlanin thu leh awm hma chuan hman tur a ni ang:-
1. Screening at Entry Points and Quarantine:
1.1 Mizoram a rawn lut turte reng reng chuan Mizoram Sorkar, Home Department, in dan zawm tur a lo duan tawh te chu an zawm ngei tur a ni a, a hnuaia sub-para 1.5 a tarlan te bak chu entry point ah RAgT test an nei ngei tur a ni ang.
1.2 RAgT test a positive te chu khung hrang in Covid-19 enkawl dan tur siamsa angin enkawl chhunzawm tur a ni ang.
1.3 RAgT test a negative, symptom neilote chu khunghran an ngai lo ang, manse Covid Appropriate Behaviour uluk takin an zawm tur a ni.
1.4 RAgT test a negative, symptom neite chu RT-PCR/TrueNat hmanga test leh tur a ni a, test ah an lo negative a nih pawhin ni 5 (ni nga) chhung an inkhung hrang anga, an inkhung hran atanga ni ngana ah RT-PCR/TrueNat hmangin an in test leh tur a ni.
1.5 RAgT test ngailo turte: Mizoram a lut tur, symptom neilo, a hnuaia tarlan anga document neite chu Entry Point ah test an neih kher a ngailo ang-
(1) Mizoram luh hma darkar 72 chhunga recognized laboratory ten RT-PCR/TrueNat/ CBNAAT Negative test Report an neih chuan emaw
(2) Mizoram luh hma thla thum chhunga Home Isolation emaw Covid Care Facility atanga Discharge Certificate an issue na a neih chuan.
A chunga tarlan anga certificate an nei a nih pawhin mahni hriselna endik chungin ni 7 chhung uluk takin Covid Appropriate Behaviour an zawm tur a ni.
Hei bakah hian a chunga tarlan angin Certificate nei pawh ni se la, Covid symptom an neih chuan RAgT test an nei ngei ngei tur a ni ang.
2. Mahni hriselna inchik chungchang: Mahni hriselna inchik tura tithe chuan Covid Appropriate Behaviour uluk takin an zawm tur a ni a, midangte hnaih lovin, a ka leh hnar khuh ngeiin hmaituamna a hmang tur a ni a, uluk taka kut tifaiin a hnuaia Covid-19 symptom a nih leh neih loh a inchik reng tur a ni a, symptom a neih chuan a awmna CMO/MO bakah a hnuaia telephone tarlanah te thurawn a la vat tur a ni ang. Helpline No.102/0389 2323336 / 0389 2322336/0389 2318336 -
i. Khawsik
ii. Khuh
iii. Rim hriatna hloh
iv. Hrawk thip/Hrawk za.
v. Chau gnawih ngawih
vi. Taksa na/Lu na
vii. Pum nuam lo
viii. Kawthalo
ix. Luhai
x. Luakchhuak
xi. Thawhah/ Thawk lama harsatna
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Mizoram pawn atanga lo lutte zawm tur Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) thar siam a ni
by: Andrew H Lalremruata, MIS, Deputy Director
Dated: 6th Jan 22 10:55 AM
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