Aizawl 6th September 2022: The 45-days ‘National Fund for Control of Drug Abuse (NFCDA) sponsored Detoxification & Rehabilitation Camping’ for total 346 Mizoram Police personnel got concluded today at 9 (nine) camping Centres which had been set up in 8 (eight) Battalion Headquarters and at Police Training School, Thenzawl. The following Senior Officers of Mizoram Police attended the valedictory function of the camping held on 12:30PM today at various venues:-
1) 3rd Bn MAP Headquarters, Mualpui - Pu Devesh Chandra Srivastva IPS, DGP(M)
2) 1st Bn MAP Headquarters, Armed Veng - Pu John Neihlaia IPS, IGP(Hqrs)
3) Police Training School, Thenzawl - Pu Parwaiz Ahmed IPS, IGP(Trg)
4) 5th IR Bn Headquarters, Lungverh - Pu Lalbiakthanga Khiangte IPS, DIG(Hqrs)
5) 1st IR Bn Headquarters, Mualvum - Pu Neichungnunga IPS, DIG(NR)
6) 4th IR Bn Headquarters, Luangpawl - Pu LR Dingliana IPS, DIG(Trg)
7) 2nd IR Bn Headquarters, Khawzawl - Pu Thomas Zodingliana IPS, DIG(ER)
8) 2nd Bn MAP Headquarters, Lunglei - Pu Lallianmawia IPS, DIG(SR)
During the 45 days long camping, a systematic daily routine which included physical exercise, drill, indoor classes including mental, religious and spiritual guidance, etc. was incorporated with help of several distinguished Resource Persons. It has been observed that all the campers not only improved their physical and mental wellbeing. They also gained the strength and ability physically and mentally to overcome substance/alcohol dependence.
Pertinently, the occupational hazards and regular exposure to the public in dealing with law & order, confronting criminals and preventing/detecting crimes by Police, can in return became major cause of stress. Regular absence from the family environment due to the performance of 24x7 duties and posting to hard places also are major factors for creating stress. It has been observed that these issues lead to an increased risk for problem drinking, either as a result of social pressure or as an unhealthy way of trying to control anxiety or stress. Without professional intervention, it could adversely affect leading to reduction in productivity at work, increase mental/physical health concerns, as well as dysfunctional family and/or social environment for the drug/alcohol dependent police personnel.
We are very grateful to all officers and men, Resource Persons and to all the campers and their family members who joined the entire process courageously and patiently with determination to win and overcome the challenges. It is earnestly hoped that this 45-days camping will pay rich dividends as far as substance/alcohol abuse among police personnel is concerned.
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