
Aizawl the 11th July 2023: Indian Army chuan Mizoram State tan Agniveer Recruitment Rally Phase-ll chu ni 5-6 September, 2023 chhungin Rajiv Gandhi Stadium, Mualpui, Aizawl a huaihawt dawn a. Agniveer Recruitment Phase-ll hi India rampumah 17-26 April, 2023 chhunga Online Common Entrance Examination (CEE) ah lo inziak tling tawh candidate-te tan chauh neih a ni ang. Heng Candidate thlanchhuah sate Admit card turte pawh Army Recruitment Office, Aizawl chuan siam fel tawhin, Candidate-te Mobile leh email-ah pawh hrilhriat tawh an ni.

Vawiin khan he Agniveer Recruitment Rally Phase-ll buatsaih dan tura hmalakna tur hrang hrang sawihona chu Deputy Commissioner’s Conference Hall-ah neih a ni a; he meeting hi Pu Lalrinzuala, Addl. Deputy Commissioner, Aizawl-in a kaihruai a ni. Colonel Sarwan Kumar, Director of Recruiting Office, Aizawl chuan recruitment rally neih tur atana hmalakna kal zel leh mamawh turte a tarlang a, department hrang hranga aiawha officials kalkhawmte chu rally hlawhtling tak neih theih nan theihtawp chhuahpui turin a sawm.

Addl. Deputy Commissioner Pu Lalrinzuala chuan Agniveer Recruitment Rally Phase-II hlawhtling ataka neih a nih theih nan, state sorkar lam pawhin theihtawp a chhuah tur thu leh a tul anga a hmun tur Rajiv Gandhi Statdium lo buatsaih a, medical leh traffic lam leh thil tul dangte pawh ngaihtuah zel a nih tur thu a sawi.

Mizoram State Agniveer Recruitment Rally-a Candidate turte chuan official website www.joinindianarmy.in ah lutin Candidate thlanchhuahte hming (shortlisted candidates) leh Document pawimawh ken tur chungchangah hriattur pawimawh leh thildangte en nise.


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