
Lawngtlai, the 2nd November, 2020: In view of "COVID-19 No Tolerance Fortnight" being observed during 26.10.2020 to 09.11.2020 in the whole Mizoram and to ensure COVID-19 appropriate behaviour is maintained by the public, the District Magistrate of Lawngtlai Dr Andrew H. Vanlaldika, MCS today issued a new order under Section 144 of the CrPC (Criminal Procedure Code), 1973 imposing night curfew between 8:00 p.m. in the evening and 4:30 a.m in the morning and prohibiting gathering of more than 5 persons at public place at any given time.

Exemption is granted to:

1. Officials on COVID-19 duty,
2. Medical duty,
3. Magistrate and Police and Home Guard on duty,
4. Print and electronic media,
5. Fire & emergency service duty,
6. PHE and P&E Department emergency duty,
7. Permitted by local VLTFs in case of medical emergency and death,
8. VLTF members on duty,
9. Those obtaining permission from District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Magistrates.

The order will remain effective upto 09.11.2020 if there is no further order. The offenders will be charged under section 188 of the IPC (Indian Penal Code).