NLUP Apex Board General Body Meeting vawi 2-na chu vawiin khan New Capital Complex Secretariat Conference Hall-ah neih a ni a. Board Chairman Pu Lal Thanhawla, Chief Minister in a kaihruai a ni.
Meeting-a thurel tur an chhawpchhuah te khunkhan taka sawiho a ni a. Chung zingah chuan NLUP official-te hnenah administrative leh financial powers pekte remtih a ni a. Grant-in-aid rules to NLUP Implementing Board leh Grant-in-aid rules to Departments and Individuals from the NLUP Implementing Board te pawmpui a ni bawk a.

NLUP Implementing Board atanga agenda ngaituah atana an chhawpchhuah Implementing Board-a information cell din a, deputation-a IPRO leh cameraman dah rawtna chu a thuphunga pawm a ni a. NLUP fund flow mechanism chungchang sawihoin, hetah hian fund pekchhuah dan torah sorkar atangin NLUP Board ah, chuta tangin Head of Department-ah, chuta tangin District Head Officers (Deputy Commissioner) ah lut lehin, a ni hian alo countersign ang a, chutah a dawng tur (Beneficiaries) hnenah hlan a ni ang tih rawtna pawh pawmpui a ni a. Agenda dang leh, line department tina NLUP Cell Nodal Officers te tan leh district levela department officerte tana motor lei chungchang rawtna chu meeting leh huna chichiar zawka sawiho leh nise tih a a ni a, lo hman lailawk atan hire system hman rih nise tih chu remtih a ni. Rural Development, Agriculture Research and Education department leh Land Revenue and Settlement department theuhte Director te chu NLUP Implementing Board-a member ni tura rawtna pawh pawmpui a ni a. NLUP Apex Boardah member thar atan Rev. Lalengkima, Chairman. Marketing leh Monitoring Cell te, Secretary, Marketing leh Monitoring Cell te chu appointment pek remtih a ni bawk a. Hengte bakah hian NLUP Apex Board ah Joint Secretary leh Assistant Secretary hna siam thar remtih a ni bawk.


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