Kolasib 20th October 2020: A sum of Rs. 50,000 from Chief Minister’s Discretionary Fund was awarded to Mr. Malsawmkima, who sustained serious injuries in the 17.10.2020 incident at the Vairengte border and is currently being treated at District Hospital, Kolasib.
The aid was handed over on behalf of the Chief Minister by Kolasib DC Dr.H.Lalthlangliana, who said that the Chief Minister highly appreciated the chivalry shown by the young man in the unfortunate incident. The DC also mentioned that all injured persons during the incident will be assisted with Rs. 10,000 as well, which will be handed to them by the Addl.DC Kolasib.
The doctors of the District Hospital, Kolasib have also pooled together some cash and handed it over to Mr. Malsawmkima as a token of appreciation.
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