Dated Serchhip, the 16th January, 2025: State Election Commission, Mizoram chuan Notification No. No.8.12011/2/2024-SEC/VC/7gdt 76.0I.2025 hmangin sub-section (7) of Section 3 of the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) (Amendment Act) 2014 read,with sub-rule (1) of RuIe 3 leh Rule 37 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 2014,hnuaiah Serchhip District chhunga Village Council inthlan hun chungchanga hriattirna chu Serchhip DC Pu Paul Khuma’n vawiin khan a tichhuak.
1. Announcement & Issue of Schedule of Election by State Election Commission - 16.01.2025 (Thursday)
2. Last date for Filing of Nominations- 23.01.2025 (Thursday) (11:00 AM- 3:00 PM)
3. Scrutiny of Nominations - 24.01.2025 (Friday) (11:00 AM onwards)
4. Last Date for Withdrawal of Candidature - 27.01.2025 (Monday) (till3:00 PM)
5. Allotment of Symbols and Display of List of Contesting Candidates -27.01.2025 (Monday) (3:00 PM onwards)
6. Last date for Submission of List of Contesting Candidates to the Commission -29 .01.2025 (Wednesday) (Before 12:00 Noon)
7. Date of Poll -12.02.2025 (Wednesday)(7:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
8. Counting of Votes (Counting of votes shall commence from 7:00pm or as soon as possible after the poll is over if polling is continued after 7:00pm) - 12.02.2025 (Wednesday)
9. Date of Re-poll, if any -13.02.2025 (Thursday) (7:00 AM- 4:00 PM)
10. Counting of Re-Polled Votes (Counting of votes shall commence from 7:00pm or as soon as possible after the poll is over if polling is continued after 7:00pm) - 13.02.2025 (Thursday)
11. Last date for formation of Executive Body - 14.02.2025 (Friday)
12. Date by which election process shall be completed - 15.02.2025 (Saturday)
State Election Commission chuan Model Code of Conduct hman nghal turin thuchhuah a siam a, Serchhip District chhungah hian Model Code of Conduct hman tan nghal tur a ni a, hei hian Election inthlan result puan thleng a huam ang.