Vawiin chhun dar 12 khan ATI Conference Hall-ah State Level Implementation Committee of National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities meeting hmasa ber chu Pu R. Lalvena, Secretary Art & Culture Department kaihhruaina in neih a ni. He meeting ah hian Archaelogical Survey of India leh National Mission on Monument and Antiquities atangin Dr. S.S. Gupta, Superintending Archaeologist, Arun Malik leh Shyam Singh Asst. Archaeologist te an rawn tel mai bakah INTACH, Mizoram chapter pawh an tel a, thu pawimawh tak tak te an rel a ni.

Buil heritage leh Antiquity te mumal taka documentation neih rel a ni a, hemi bawhzui nan hian Workshop on documentation October thla tira neih leh Photo Exhibition on heritage sites neih te rel a ni.

Meeting zawh hnu hian Art & Culture Minister Pu P.C. Zoram Sangliana a a office ah hmu in Vangchhia “Kawtchhuah Ropui” Centrally Protected Monument a puan tur a nih chungchang leh thu pawimawh dang an sawi pui a ni.