

          On the auspicious occasion of the 72nd Republic Day of our great Nation, I extend warm felicitations to all the people of Mizoram. Today marks the glorious culmination of our freedom movement. It is because of the countless sacrifices made by our numerous freedom fighters that India has become a Sovereign Democratic Republic.

          The Preamble to our Constitution begins with the words ‘We, the people’. This means that in India, we the citizens are supreme. Our Constitution is amongst the best in the world, guaranteeing Fundamental Rights, and guided by the ideals of Gandhi and other celebrated leaders of the national movement.

          The Constitution of India ensures equality of all, irrespective of caste, creed or gender. Our democracy and our Republic have withstood the test of time. Even today, certain forces continue to attack the sovereignty of our Nation, both from within and outside. It is here that we must always remember the importance of our valuable ‘Unity in Diversity’.

          The year 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which ravaged the whole world. Every country has been affected socially and economically. In spite of the numerous difficulties, our governments both at the Centre and the State, have shown meticulous planning, remarkable resilience and foresight in tackling the problem. Especially in our State, the coordination between the government and the civil society has greatly limited the impact of the virus to a large extent.

          In these challenging times, India has taken the lead in tackling this issue head on. Our dedicated scientists have developed COVID-19 vaccines, which are being administered throughout the country on a massive scale. As a global leader, we have set an example by sharing this vaccine with other countries, especially our neighbours.

          In all these, our Hon’ble Prime Minister has made a fervent appeal for the realization of Atmanirbhar Bharat, or Self-Reliant India. All of us must play our part towards achieving this goal. Mizoram has a lot of potential in this regard. Blessed with abundant natural resources, we must make the best use of our human resources for the development of our State and our country.

          Towards this end, the State Government is doing the best that it can, in spite of the harsh constraints due to the pandemic. In Mizoram, the important role played by the community and the civil society was on full display as we faced the COVID-19 problem together. I am sure that in our efforts towards self-reliance and self-sufficiency, we will continue to cooperate with the Central Government and the State Government.

          In conclusion, I again make an appeal to all the citizens to play our part for the achievement of a New India and Atmanirbhar Bharat. As we celebrate Republic Day, let us rededicate ourselves to the values and ideals enshrined in our Constitution, while paying homage to our National Freedom fighters.

          I wish you all a Happy Republic Day!

          KA LAWM E.

          Jai Hind!