Kan thenawm state, Assam leh Arunachal Pradesh ah te January 2020 atang tawh in chhan hriat lohva vawk thi tamtak an awm thu hriat a ni a. Heng vawk te hi African Swine Fever (ASF) vanga thi ngei ni a rinhlelh a ni. ASF hi virus vanga thleng, vawk lam chi te tana natna inkaichhawn awlsam tak leh hlauhawm tak, a kai tawh za a za thihna thlen tu a ni a.
Kan ram thenawm Myammar ah pawh he natna hrik hi hmuhchhuah leh finfiah a ni tawh a, tun chinah a hri danna (vaccine) leh a enkawlna tur bik damdawi a la awm lo a.
He natna hi a darh palh chuan vawk leh ranvulh-a eizawngte leh ran kaihhnawih a sumdawng te thleng pawh a harsatna liantak leh dinhmun derthawng taka kan din mai theih avangin, a rang thei ang bera inven-a hmalak hi a tul hle a.
Chuvangin, Section 24(1) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 in thuneihna a pek angin State Executive Committee, Mizoram State Disaster Management Chairman Pu Lalnunmawia Chuaungo chuan he natna laka kan him nan heng thuchhuah te hi thu leh awm hma a zawm atan a chhuah a ni:
1. Myanmar, foreign ram dang leh India ram chhunga state dang atangin vawk, vawksa leh vawksa hmanga siam ei in chi reng reng thu leh awm hma chuan lakluh khap bur a ni.
2. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department, Government of Mizoram chu ran vulhna hmun tih thianghlim, faina kenkawh leh vawk damlo rinhlelhawm dah hran te a kengkawh ang.
3. African swine fever chungchangah “National Action Plan for Control, Containment and Eradication of African Swine Fever” dungzuiin ran/vawk thi te sawngbawl leh tihral anih theih nan Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department, Government of Mizoram-in hma ala anga, uluk takin a vil ang.
4. Department helpline no: 0389 - 2336441, 9436142908, 9436151203 leh 8794206212 kal tlang in vawk leh ran damlo leh ran thi rinhlelhawm reng reng a rang thei ang bera thu neitute hriattir tur a ni.
Heng tarlan tak te hi ‘National Action Plan for Control, Containment and Eradication of African Swine Fever’, zul zui a kenkawh tur a ni ang.
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