
Vawiin khan Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Department Director Pu H.Lianzela kaihhruaiin Mizoram Cleanliness Competition, 2020 a panel experts te nen briefing, Director's Meeting Room, UD&PA ah neih a ni.

Director leh Convener ni bawk Pu H.Lianzela chuan Deputy Chief Minister Pu Tawnluia hmalaknain October Ni 2 atangin Mizoram Khawpui Fai Intihsiakna bultan a ni thu a sawi a. Intihsiakna hi faina leh thianghlimna kawnga zoram mipuite hmasawn tir tu ni se, intihsiak chhung chauh nilo a nitin nuna faina ngai pawimawh turin UD&PA Department chuan mipuite a ngen a ni, tiin a sawi.

He briefing ah hian Cleanliness Competition in Urban Town: Overview tih leh Competition Parameters and Assessment Procedure te PowerPoint Presentation a pek a ni a. Expert Panel te hian District hrang hranga khua 23 an tlawh ang a, zin chhuah hun (tentative) atan ni 23.11.2020 ruat a ni.

Parameters (tehna) atan Solid Waste Management, Information, Education & Communication, Community Participation, Public Feedback leh a dangte bakah, a hmasa ber atan Response to Covid-19 telh a ni.

Expert atana sawmte hi- Dr. Saithantluangi Zote, IPRO; Prof. Malsawmliana, Asst. Secretary, CYMA; Pi R.Lalrinfeli, Program Officer, MPCB; Pu Lalrinmawia, Secretary i/c Organisation, MJA te an ni.

He hun hi Joint Director (Admin) Pi Rita Lalnunmawii Pachuau chuan lawm thu sawiin a khar a ni. 


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