Yesterday, World Vision India (WVI), Chhimtuipui Area Development Programme (CADP) organised a 'Graduation Day' for 288 households of 1st to 3rd batch under 'Graduation Model' programme at Central YLA Hall, Lawngtlai.

The function was graced by Pu H. Biakzaua, MLA of Lawngtlai East Constituency & Vice Chairman of Agriculture Development Board  as a chief guest and Pu H. Lalramenga, Executive Secretary, Lai Autonomous District Council (LADC) as a special guest.

Rev. Dr Lalmuankima, pastor of Lairam Isua Krista Baptist Kohhran (LIKBK) Chandmary Pastorate had an opening prayer while a welcome speech was done by Pu Paul T. Touthang, Programme Manager, WVI Chhimtuipui ADP. Besides the chief guest and the special guest, senior officials coming from WVI headquarters - Dr James Neil Devasahayam Dk, Head, Technical Programme; Pu Santosh Kumar, Technical Specialist; Pu Anil Joseph, Senior Director-Programme and Pu Samuel Therieh, Associate Director also delivered short speeches on Graduation Model Programme and other programmes and missions of World Vision India. Four selected graduates also shared their testimony.

World Vision India, Chhimtuipui Area Development Programme carried out this Graduation Model Programme since 2015. There were three batches of 150 ultra poor households each whom WVI assisted to rise up from extreme poverty to sustainable livelihood through this Graduation Model. There are 23 success indicators on health, economic and social. Out of 450 households in the three batches, 288 households who achieved 16 points or more in these indicators were declared to be graduated. Pi Darliani, Siaha Tlangkawn was declared a champion and all graduates were presented with a certificate.


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