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Keeping in mind, the recent hike in Petroleum products specially petrol and diesel by the Union Government, the Food Civil Supplies&Consumer Affairs Deptt. Govt. of Mizoram feels that the public need to be enlightened on the matter and reasons there -
Director Sports and Youth Services, Mr. Zoliana Royte today disclosed detailed programme of Queen's baton relay in Aizawl at a press conference held this afternoon. He stated that according to the programme scheduled, Queen's Baton for the XIXth Commonwea -
Sihphir Volleyball Club, Sihphir has emerged a champion team in a Volleyball Tournament which concluded on last saturday(dt 21.8.2010) at Kanan Volleyball Court, Aizawl. On the last day ofGEOLOGY & MINING DIRECTORATE
In the interest of public service and with the approval of Council of Ministers on 3rd August, 2010, the Government of Mizoram has issued notification to bifurcate the existing Directorate of Industries in upgrading its Geology & Mining Wing as anotheINAUGURATION OF COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN CENTRE FOR WEAVERS AND CAPCITY BUILDING TRAINING CENTER IN M
Mr. S.Hiato, Minister, Industries,etc has formally inaugurated Rs 1.5 Crore Project Computer Aided Design(CAD) Centre and Capacity Building Training(CBT) Centre at a function held at 11:30 AM in the conference hall of Directorate of Industries, MiFatal flowering
Guwahati, March 27: In the life of a farmer, flowering or fruition usually constitutes a happy period, brimming over with potential of a good harvest. In Mizoram, it's time for fear to take root. Even though it happens only once every 50 years orFor The Mizo Concord
Opportunities must be created for the most deprived to have their say in issues affecting them.The game: 'Building Mizo Society'. At first, at the creation of Mizoram, a large number of closely related ethnic linguistic groups came to form the Mizo staNORTH EAST SECURITY
Recent debates in the media on the law and order problem in North East, as also the validity of Armed Forces Special Power Act, had raised interest among the general public as well as human right activists. From the points raised, there appears to be lackTHE ORIGIN OF THE CHAPCHAR KUT
In the halcyon days of Mizo History, around 1450-1700 A.D. (no-one could tell the exact time), a Kawlni Chief ruled over the most famous and most populous village called Suaipui. GeographHERITAGE OF MIZO TRADITIONAL MUSIC (An overview)
R.L. ThanmawiaEvery Society has its own traditional music and in every society, folk music is as old as the age of that society. Some Indian cultures have very long musical histories; but Mizo culture does not have such history. Yet the origin of Mizo MusUNVEILING THE MYSTIQUE
Rachana Bhattacharya(Courtesy Discover India) In Mizoram, tranquility does not come packaged, but unfolds quietly. It is a place that you must feel and experience, not just read about.  PEACE & HARMONY WITH NATURE & NATURAL RESOURCES!
The first provision to “protect the environment” was made in the Forty-Second Amendment to the Indian Constitution. Passed in 1977, this Amendment responded to the Stockholm Declaration adopted by the International Conference on Human Environment in 197SERVICE TO GOD THROUGH MANKIND
When I was reading in primary school, before commencement of the class, we used to sing a prayer song daily - “O Lord, we thank you for giving us food and all that we need. Help us to serBuilding Community Assets
What is “community spirit” in terms of money to a village project? Mizoram, where the people still live by their traditional code called “Tlawmngaihna”, is an ideal place to find