Brigadier Suresh Kumar Verma took over as the Deputy Inspector General of MIZORAM RANGE (23 Sector) ASSAM RIFLES on 18 Jan 10. The brigadier was commisioned into the Services on 13 march 1982, and in a career spanning 28 years, he has served in a variety of command and staff appointments in various parts of the country, including J&K, Manipur, Punjab and Rajasthan, in intense counter insurgency situations, on the line of control, as well as in strategic headquarters on the western sector.
In his opening address to the troops, he reiterated that his mission will be to ensure that the Assam Rifles continue to provide selfless service to the people of Mizoram, in the spirit of "TLAWMGAINHA".
Brigadier Suresh Kumar Verma suceeds Brigadier AP Rai,VSM as the DIG, Mizoram Range Assam Rifles.